โœ… Forum high load message

I just tried the magnifying glass search function, and got this (read the message in red):

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Thank you for reporting โ€” server is a bit busy. We may need to bump up the specs if this starts to happen more regularly.

Thank you for replying so quickly! I thought it was a bit odd as there are no more people online than usual.

Iโ€™ve encountered the same message at least three times.

I had the same notification the last 3 or 4 times, but after refreshing the page, it works.

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Yes, Iโ€™ve seen this message before, too.

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I have some security updates to do on this server in the coming days and will use the opportunity to also switch to a different machine.

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The server has been switched today for another one that is a bit faster โ€” please continue to report if you still see messages about high load. Thanks!


Just saw this message while trying to search.

I had the same yesterday in the evening.

So did I (yesterday evening).


We have moved the forum to a different server which should minimize this. Please do report if you keep seeing the message about high load.

Just right now

And right now.

Iโ€™ve just got this message:

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This one is weird, just now.

This was a few minutes back and I was shown as logged out.

Yes, Iโ€™ve been getting the extreme load message for about the last 10 hours

โ€œ Due to extreme load, this is temporarily being shown to everyone as a logged out user would see it.โ€

Going to eat dinner anyway. :wink: