Forum and Reply

Hi there,
When we go to a topic, to see the last message, we have to scroll till the end.
What I suggest is the last message apear on the top.
Hope this make sense.
Kind Regards,

I prefer it as it is - when you open a Round Robin or Lottery topic for example, it’s important to see the first entry with the rules first. In my opinion it would get messy if you land at the last entry.

Concerning the “small talk” topics I’d agree with you, but I don’t think that the settings should (or can) vary, so it’s better to start with the first entry.

Luckily you can jump to the last entry without having to scroll a lot. :wink:


You don’t have to scroll though - there’s a blue line on the right of the thread & if you move your cursor to the end of it, you’ll get to the last post without having to scroll.


In the list of topics, there is a column named “replies”. If you click on the number displayed there for the topic you want to go to, two little fields appear: one with an arrow pointing up and a date and time - that will lead you to the first post. The other has an arrow pointing down and a date and time - that one will take you to the last post when you click on it.

These numbers (of replies) also show up on phones and they work just the same.


On a mobile you see this:

Click on this:

Then you see this:

It will also tell you what number the last post has.
Write/enter that number and there you are !


It works with a Smartphone too

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That used to bug me in the beginning. But clicking on the last time frame indicated brings you to the last reply. That being so, the last reply (before mine) was 2 hours ago; I clicked on “2h ago” and it brought me to @anon30754624’s comment.


thank you for the suggestion, I didn’t saw that! now I know!
Kind Regards


Easier to use this “whateveritiscalled” thing on the right