For Malaysians -- Are your mails getting delivered? Frustration with Pos Malaysia

Hey guys

So I more or less got back into the mailing community after many years and I just noticed that a good chunk of my postcards aren’t getting delivered to people overseas (especially in the US).

On average, how long do your postcards/letters take to get delivered to US and other countries? Because before all of this when I was active in 2013-2015 it took 3 weeks max. Now it’s been 3 months and my friends haven’t received anything

Not only that, is the post man delivering mail to you too? I’ve been getting mail dumps once a month and there’s still a lot of old mail from friends that I haven’t received.

I also have a letter posted to me from Selangor (and I’m in Selangor) that was sent out more than 2 weeks ago and I still haven’t received anything. When I asked Pos Malaysia they’re like, it might take a month. But a month for Selangor to Selangor??? That’s just ridiculous :tired_face:

Is it just Malaysia’s postal system that is terrible now or is it something else??

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I just registered an official postcard in which the sender said that this is his second postcard being sent to me. Sent on Nov 26, received today. So that’s 13 days. That’s not bad, I think.
The first postcard he sent me was on Oct 1, and honestly, it has not reached me yet. And most probably, it was lost and will never reached me. It’s already more than 2 months.
The sender said that not just his postcard for me, but all the postcards he sent on Oct 1 was lost. That’s what he wrote on the message.

I am not really sure, what’s happening. But I do hope that it will be fixed.
Good news is, I got his second postcard and it only took 13 days to arrive.
I also got the first postcard you sent me. :blush:
I am sure the second one will be here, soon.

Once we sent the postcard, there’s nothing we can do. We can just hope that it will reach its destination. :blush::pray:

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Hello neighbour!

Posts from my friends in Penang and Labuan takes about 8 days and 12 days respectively to reach Singapore. Perhaps there was a backlog of mail due to your country’s MCO and the lack of postal workers? Some international routes out of KL are no longer in operation and this might also explain the delay as the mail gets transited to third countries. Pos Malaysia is a reliable postal operator!

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Oh you received my postcard? That’s great!!! I have not received yours yet :sob::sob: I hope I will receive it soon… :sob::sob::sob::sob:

Yeah, many of my things sent out in September and October were not delivered.

I hope they do reach their destination at some point though :frowning:

Mail delivery to me might be because of MCO but I’m not sure about mail delivery outside of Malaysia tho :confused: I know we weren’t able to send out mail outside of Malaysia until quite recently. And that’s great that you get your mail from Labuan and Penang quite fast. I sent myself and a couple of friends postcards from Penang last week so I hope they (plus myself) receive them soon :sob:

Pos Malaysia is reliable but now not so much :sob: I just hope mail processing gets back to how it was in the past soon

Hi Rei,
Yes I got it yesterday, before replying your message.
I haven’t wrote the “hurray” messages to everyone whose postcards I received yesterday. I will do it tomorrow or Monday. I am always a bit late with the “hurray” message. Not late in the official postcrossing, always ASAP on that. But a bit late in the forum.

I saw similar complaints in the Indonesian postcrossing community, in the Fb group (not in this forum). Those who complained agreed that their mails from Sept-Oct were “lost”. And they almost didn’t receive anything also during those 2 months.
Not sure if this is connected with what happened to your mails from Malaysia. Some disruptions or problems in SEA mailing systems during that period, perhaps???

I don’t know and I can’t tell. Just wanna tell you that it also happened in Indonesia.
But it may already being fixed now. Because I got 2 postcards from Malaysia (one is from you, one is an official one), and a postcard from Indonesia, yesterday.

It is sad, really. 2 months of postcards… undelivered. Sad for both sides, the sender and the receiver. :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

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I suppose a disruption in the SEA mailing system may make most sense. As mention in my other message, I received all of your mail today! Along with 30 other letters and swaps. I’ve not had the time to go through everything yet because it’s a lot :joy: But I’m glad some of my really old swaps reached me after two months. I’m hoping this is a good sign that my friends will finally receive my postcards

Hello. I’m also very stressed because most of the cards to asian nations arrive after over 1 month though they are not far from my country.
But Japan Post annouces that mails to asian nations will be delivered in A WEEK. No way!
While mails to Germany or Finland arrives in 1 week or 10 days although they are far from other asian countries.
After the experience of postcrossing, the world map in my mind is going strange: Germany and Finland are placing next to Japan and Other asian nations are on Antarctica🤣

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Even in 2024 right now I have trouble sending letters through Pos Laju within Selangor. Quite a few of my letters aren’t going through to my friends houses. Is there something wrong with Pos Laju?