Font change on main website

Hello @Paulo, many thanks for your explanations.

Well I guess, the font does not look different to yours

But it is indeed a problem, that the texts are not easy to read and that it is more exhausting to read profils or write Hurraymails. My eyes somehow have problems with this script, which I had never before and what is new to me.
I understand that your main aim is to make it the same for as many users as possible - but if it will stay like this it might be more of a problem for many users, because in the forum are only a few who mention it, I guess there are a lot more out there with the same problems - maybe it is worth to ask them… If people cannot enjoy their hobby anymore just for the reason that everabody sees the same, I am not sure if that is worth it??


I liked the previous font better. The current one lacks aesthetic appeal for me.

card pages looking a bit ill

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The same thing happened to me when I was using an ad blocker. The only solution was to turn it off.

The shortness of the letters makes it so hard to read (for me). I wear glasses, so I have problems with my eyes (but really not too bad, it’s only a slight impairment).

I can read them better, but I wouldn’t like all text to be that big. And comfortable is not the right work as I still find it tiring.

I would love that!

I’ve already considered this, but I really try to avoid it if possible as you already mentioned it may cause lots of strange side affects in the layout.

That’s the first thing I did when I saw the new font, tbh :grimacing:

I don’t like that either,it is so strange!

Another vote to change the font back please. It’s hard to read now.

Sadly, we are finding some Windows setups where the Lucida Grande equivalent rendering is not… great. While it should look similar to the intended font, either the font or the way (some versions?) of Windows are rendering it in some computers makes it look like a different font and we have no way to control that.

Hence, we are reverting the change and going back to the drawing board. Unfortunately this delays the plans to fix legibility issues as we still need to address the inconsistent font first.

We may end up having to change the font to a new one (for everyone instead of just to some) which won’t be any easier since we need to retest the layouts and fix what breaks. On the other hand, it may be an opportunity to pick something fresh that displays better on higher resolution screens which older fonts were not designed for.

Thank you everyone for the feedback!


:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: