Five Ways Postcrossing Makes me a Better Person

I’m really glad you liked it. Postcrossing means so much to me. :heart_eyes:

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Thanks Brian. Patience is so difficult in the early days isn’t it?

Allan, I enjoyed your article as well. Thanks for posting. I never knew postcrossing existed until last week. I find that postcrossing allows me to connect to the world. I am learning to take my time and choose the right card to send. Buying supplies for decorating and the different kinds of stamps. I will collect and save all the postcards I will receive but especially the stamps from around the world.I am looking forward to receiving my first post card. What is nice is, I don’t know where the post card is coming from. The anticipation is something I never experienced. Who the sender is on another part of our Earth, thinking about me. Taking time out from their schedule just for me as I did for someone else. And knowing that if I send a post card, I will receive one to brighten my day. Handwriting the post card, instead an instant email. But most of all, this is the kindness that humanity can send to others anywhere in the world.


Thanks for reading. Have patience but it is a great hobby!

Nice article! I totally agree with all the things youve written about this great experience. Thanks! It would be nice to receive a photograph from you :slight_smile:

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Great piece Alan, thank you. I am quite new to Postcrossing but already am enthralled. It is so much fun to wait for the mail and to think something might be in there that is not junk or a bill!

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This is really an excellent article. Thank you so much for your thoughtful writing, and the quiet joy that shines through.
I’ll be sharing this with a lot of friends.


This was a wonderful article! Thank you for sharing it.
Two other things I have found:

  • I like sending postcards even more than receiving them (which I also enjoy, of course). It’s just such a pleasure to send a wee postal “gift” to someone I don’t know, especially when I’m able to match a card in my collection to something they actively want.
  • I look at postcards in a different way now. When I look at cards in a store, I don’t merely think, “Do I like that card?” Instead, I think, “Would someone interested in {subject} like that card?” It enhances my appreciation of art, photography and composition to look at things in a way I didn’t before.

Great article ! You described really the way I feel about Postcrossing (even if my handwriting remains awfull). Thank you.

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@doryfera Those are great points. I love sending cards and only buy cards with others in mind. Thanks for reading!

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What a lovely article :heart::+1:t2:


If you enjoyed this article you may also enjoy my latest about the postcards I make from my photographs


Wonderful photos. Much, much better than the bog standard tourist postcard.


Great couple of articles, @werewegian. And very glad you posted a link the the more recent one, since I managed to miss the first one. :blush:

And I agree with @Florallle – genuinely beautiful photos that you’re sharing. And you know for a fact that the recipient doesn’t have that card already.


Thanks for reading both and for the kind words about my photocards. @Florallle @thudthwacker


Thanks for writing this @werewegian as a new post-crosser I have sent many postcards out, but the only ones I have received have been from making direct exchanges.
I’m still waiting patiently for my first real PostCrossing postcard, seeing as it’s nearly Christmas I guess that there’s more mail in the mail, so I’ll wait patiently for it to arrive.

“Postcrossing reminds me that it’s not all about me”
Your article made my day. Thank you. Personally, postcrossing is a special activity where I do get more joy sending happy mail than receiving responses. It takes the load of thinking only about myself which I am naturally disposed toward.