First meeting in Kalinkovichi 20.07.2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: g. Kalinkavichy, Gomel region
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Cafe “Relax” Sovetskaya street, 96A
:calendar: DATE: 20.07.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
excursion to the local history museum, communication, signing postcards

On July 20, we invite you to the first meeting of postcrossers in the city of Kalinkovichi! The meeting will take place at the Relax cafe, but we will meet earlier at the station square at 11:00. From the square we will walk to the Museum of local lore, and then we will go to a cafe where we will have an interesting time chatting and signing postcards. The most persistent can continue walking around the city and see the sights of the city.

Interesting information:

  • The earliest mention of the Kalinkovichi dates back to 1552 from the inventories of the Mozyr castle. At that time it was the village of Kalenkovichi. Over time, the name acquired its current form.
  • Sovetskaya Street was called Pochtovaya Street until 1923.
  • There is a lake in the city reconstructed in 2023, if you wish, you can take a swimsuit and swim.

One postcard shows Kolasok and Kalinka, and the second one shows the railway station.

Информация будет продублирована в группе


Привет! Рада была бы обменяться открытками :grinning:

Мой обменник: postcard for swap — Яндекс Диск

Hello, dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in exchanging both beautiful cards.
My offers:

Have fun at the meeting and thank you in advance.

кто-нибудь хотел бы обменяться с Чехией на открытку с фонтаном?) напишите)