Feedback wanted for creating and selling postcards

I have wanted to print and sell postcards for several years. I’m thinking of setting up a Kickstarter campaign, but I am having trouble preparing. I’ve read a lot about using Kickstarter, and I have backed quite a few projects, so I know how that works.

(For those who don’t know Kickstarter, it is a crowdfunding platform. Each idea/project/campaign is funded all or nothing. The creator sets a goal. If there goal is met, then people are charged and the creator creates and delivers the rewards that the backers chose. If the funding goal is not met, no one is charged, and the project doesn’t happen.)

The hard part is choosing which postcard designs to offer and how many choices. So I’d like your opinions and feedback.

Please select as many of the poll options as you want, and also reply with comments.


Postcard Kickstarter Ideas
  • Backers/buyers pick single cards
  • Backers/buyers pick sets (of 4 or 5 cards)
  • Group cards with similar themes
  • Group cards by media (paint, photo, digital art, collage, etc.)
  • Have few set options (3 or 4 sets)
  • Have few individual options (10 cards)
  • Have several set options (4-10)
  • Have several individual options (20 cards)
  • Have many set options (10-20)
  • Have many individual options (40 or 50 cards)
  • Backers/buyers pick sets (of 10-12 cards each)

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