Feedback on profile texts

My only suggestion would be to check for some grammatical errors (mostly punctuation and capitalization), but that’s just the writer in me talking. Despite that, it’s easy to follow and friendly.

The first few questions in your profile I would recommend saving for writing in a card, or shorten the responses to make it flow less like a Q+A. Otherwise, good information and I particularly like how you asked to have specific cards not sent.

Thank you for your service. It is extremely appreciated.

You include a lot of good information. Plenty of personal info, which is good.

Your list has some items that could be combined to make it look shorter (example, combine your animals into one bullet).

While the information is good, I don’t think it’s necessary to include the information about the white strip on US cards. I’d also move the No Envelopes information up where you indicate you like written/stamped cards.

Otherwise, I’d know exactly what to send you and frankly, would love to swap with you. My available cards are here (, send me a DM if interested.

Hello @jewelldelis, I like your profile text, it’s fun to read it.

In the poll, I ticked both options about the wishes ( hard and easy to fulfill) because for me some a hard others easy. But, please don’t change your cards suggestion, since you also wrote at the top, you like any cards, I would simply choosen one that fits your interest.

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Thanks Jarana! I appreciate the feedback (and explanation of both choices - I was confused for a second, lol). I try to keep the interest open, but provide examples, can you share some interests that may be hard to fulfill? I want to make it as easy to send a card as possible. :slight_smile:

Your personal information is great. The postcard definition isn’t really necessary, just indicating you’d like the cards written and stamped is enough.
I’m not sure the RR paragraph is relevant. I believe all RRs are treated separately and rules from one RR shouldn’t be considered to another.
I love your 2021 goal, but given you want view/tourist cards, you may want to elaborate.
Your list is a little inclusive on card type, but because those are your interests it’s not a bad thing. I would just recommend editing for capitalization and punctuation.
Just sharing your collection is enough rather than an explanation, which will help shorten your profile.

If you still cannot think of anything to send to me, send me a card that you would love to receive yourself. Maybe also tell my why this card.

Maybe add this to the bottom of your list. I would have missed this in a quick run through.
The last paragraph can be shorted to say you prefer no handmade, ad, used, etc. postcards.
All your information is good, it is just very wordy and can be shorted to keep your profile easy to read.


These wishes are hard to fulfill for me:

:sparkles: Animated Films (Stitch, Belle, Moana Alice in Wonderland, Nightmare Before Christmas, Emporer’s New Groove, Road to El Dorado, How to Train Your Dragon, etc.)
:sparkles: Television (Friends, How I Met Your Mother, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, etc.)
:sparkles: BBC Fandoms (Doctor Who, Sherlock, etc.)
:sparkles: Harley Quinn/Deadpool
:sparkles: Lunar New Year/Year of the Ox/Horse
:sparkles: Aries/INTJ
:sparkles: Pagan/Wiccan/Halloween (year-round)
:sparkles: Creepy/Gothic
:sparkles: Paranormal/Supernatural/Mythology/Legends
:sparkles: Anime (Sailor Moon, InuYasha, Studio Ghibli, etc.)
:sparkles: Quirky/Eccentric/Offensive
:sparkles: Erotic/NSFW/Pin-Up - especially Hilda

I think this is because some of them are only popular in certain countries, like the television series. (Or maybe in big cities, where I don´t live in).
I like that you write “your favourite card” at the top of the list, everybody has something like that, and I would know what to send to you, when all the other suggestions “failed” :slight_smile:

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Oh yeah, I totally understand that. I find cards (like view cards or all the cards with the acronyms) hard to find, too. I hope that despite the suggestions that may be localized there’s still enough on there that if someone wanted to send an interest of mine (rather than their favorite card) they had something from which to choose. Do you think?

I’ve also edited some of those categories to be more concise so it’s less wordy.

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Your profile is really well written and has the perfect amount of everything to it. Very friendly and inviting. I only suggest checking grammar, punctuation, but that’s just me being nitpicky and isn’t necessary.

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Your profile is very friendly and reads really well and easy. I might suggest separating the writing suggestions from the personal information paragraph, and maybe being more concise in your questions, but otherwise short and sweet.

Example: If American English is not your native language, perhaps you could share a local phrase/idiom and what it means in your language?

This could be shortened to “share a local phrase/idiom and it’s meaning from your native language.”

Yes, I think people will find an interesting card for you. I understand the words in the brackets as example, If I had no Friends card I would probalby send a german television series, and explain why I like them-

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@Jarana Ooo yes, I would definitely like that! Thank you for your recommendations.

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You have some unique aspects to your profile I love! I like the last updated date, that’s so helpful! Your personal information is great. Maybe have less about your degree, but write something like “Ask me about my degree! I’d love to share more.”
It’s nice you indicate any card first, then your interests, but unfortunately the forum profile editing with * for bullets doesn’t work, and your list became all cluttered. Try using a basic emoji as bullet points.
Also, your love for ADs, handmade, retro, and Ukrainian cards can be listed in your interests first and even include hearts next to them to indicate you’d love them most.
Sometimes a “collection” is cards received and sometimes it’s a wishlist. Just making sure you indicate which type of collection is helpful.
Also, Google Drive definitely isn’t as pretty as Flickr, but Google Photos offers the same amount of space, and offers Galleries and such, like Flickr. It might be more what you’re looking for.
I also love that you included where you’ve traveled and where your family is from. It’s unique and offers senders another writing option (a way to connect with you).

Your profile is a writer’s dream! It’s gorgeously written and despite your wishlist being very short your personal information provides enough anecdotes that I could send you something you’d enjoy. The chunks of paragraphs may be a deterrent to readers though. At least the last 2 paragraphs could be shortened and added to your interest lists.
It’s a bad habit, but I jump to lists first and then read the rest, so making those two into concise bullets for your list could help others who may not have the 4 item on your list.
Maybe break the first 2 paragraphs up into smaller chunks for an easier flow? Otherwise, I love the intermittent emojis.

Your profile is really well done! The only suggestions I can think to offer are “1rst” might be a typo and should be “1st” (I don’t know if this is how it is written in your native or if it was just a typo, forgive me if it’s naturally written) and since you have a good amount of writing prompts turn it into a list. Those two are just nitpicking though. It reads well, it’s friendly, it has just enough information both personal and of interests. Great job!

For me these are the wishes that I can fulfill!

@jewelldelis, I think your profile is very nice and well written. To own my ‘other’, if you live with your boyfriend and your cat, does the cat not belong to both of you? Perhaps there is a story here? Does the cat hate him?

I would struggle to choose a card for you because I have so many matching your wishes.

I’m still looking for feedback on mine!

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Everybody has different cards in his stock, so Postcrossing never gets boring :slight_smile:


That’s almost worse than no options! I’m sorry! :sob:

Lol. There’s a story. I’ll DM it to you if you’d like to keep the thread clean.

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Short. Sweet. To the point.

Ooo…you have an official profile and a Forum profile and they’re different. Okidoke!

It makes it very easy to read, but, with the exception of the weird postcard option, I don’t think I could narrow your interests enough to send a card. Maybe give examples of food you like, other sci-fi options, or even a few favorite types of stamps.

Perfect amount of personal information to get an idea of you as a person. Your list may be just a touch too specific (with the exception of Harry Potter, I wouldn’t have anything to send). Bullet 2, maybe put knitting first then elaborate on the type.

Maybe combine the interests from both profiles to give your sender more options without having to bounce from one profile to the other.

I really like how concise your personal information is though.

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Thank you! The forum profile (which to be honest I didn’t remember I had) is just for random swap requests of which I get surprisingly many. I moved the knitting!

I worry about doing this because I don’t want to be too picky and I don’t want to add boring things to the list either. If I moved the list to the official side, it would be far too specific. I have tried to translate some of them to features about myself and my life but that gets pretty hard with the nudes!

I will look into this. :slight_smile:

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