Feedback on profile texts

I just got back into Postcrossing and found the new forum. And I must admit that some topics have made me feel a bit insecure about my profile :flushed: (I know it’s a personal issue of mine, I’m working on it :hugs:)

I myself like to get profiles with wishlist because I enjoy the hunt and creation of sending a ‘perfect’ card. So I have added a wishlist to my profile, but I don’t want to come across as demanding in any way! I don’t want to put off people, especially newbies.

Could you check out my profile and vote?

  • Friendly profile
  • Unfriendly profile
  • Confusing profile
  • Too demanding
  • Too long
  • Too short
  • Too little personal information
  • Enough personal information
  • Just right
  • Would know what to send
  • Would not know what to send
  • Other (please comment)

0 voters

Thank you!