Feb.3rd 2024-Guangzhou Holiday PC Meetup in Canton

:world_map: PROVINCE: Guangdong
:world_map: CITY: Guangzhou
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Sami on the 3rd floor in Beijing Road NEW IN
:calendar: DATE: 2024.2.3
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00-17:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Hello, everyone! We are postcrossingers from Guangzhou Holiday PC Meetup. Through consideration, We gonna have the 45th meetup about the Spring Festival in Guangzhou in February.

Registration Fee : free
Offer: 4 designed meetup postcards
Request : Bring stamps, seals(or pens) by yourself

Activities :

1.Introduce yourself to others participants
2.Write postcards
3.Share your experience with others

If you’re interested to these meetup cards, feel free to leave your message!
Thank you!


Very nice postcards… Is there anyone interested for the swap?

Regards :slight_smile:

Could you write down the meetup place in Chinese?
北京路New In是哪里?

Exchange found :heart:

Is it possible to exchange these 2 postcards?

My suggestions:

Hi, can i swap?
My swap album SWAP – Google Drive

I am interested in swapping with you. May I see your offer?
