Feb.25,2024 Nanning Postcrossing Meetup

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Nanning
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE:Shop A8-1,Folk Lake Bar Street,No.23, Jinpu Road,Qingxiu District,Nanning.(金浦路星巴克)
:calendar: DATE: February 25th,2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Writing postcards (3 kind cards)
Share stories about your received cards.
Take photos.
Have fun~

If you want to join this meetup please contact on email: @1598231430@qq.com
If you use Weixin, please contact: zxr17687418794

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.

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Hello! I’d like to swap for the first card please))))

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Thanks for interested:)
DM sent

Hello and sorry for bursting in, but card 2 and 3 are so stunning and I wanted to ask if maybe someone wants to swap with me for them. - Or one of them :blush:

Offer please open

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Greetings from Belarus. I’m looking for an exchange.

Here is my offer https://postcards.framework.by/

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DM sent :slight_smile:

DM sent :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Hi! I really liked the first postcard. Can I exchange with you?

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Hello! I would really like to exchange for the first postcard. Here are my exchangers
Holidays Праздники//holiday – 26 Bilder | VK
Fandoms Фандомы//Fandoms – 73 Bilder | VK
Saint- Petersburg Санкт-Петербург// Saint- Petersburg – 74 Bilder | VK
Cities Большие открытки,СССР/Large postcards.USSR – 20 Bilder | VK
Miscellaneous exchange Обменник//For exchange – 80 Bilder | VK

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Thanks for interest
DM sent:)

DM sent:)

so beautiful card! :heart_eyes_cat: i’d really like to swap for this!

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Glad you like it
DM sent:;