Favorites of Received Cards

I don’t know if it’s because I’m super tired and completely missing the obvious, but is there a way to easily see how many favorites your received cards get, similarly to how you can see all the favorites that your sent cards get by clicking on the “popular” link? I’m just curious as to which of my received cards got the most favorites from other people.

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I’d love to see this too.

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I haven’t found an easy way to see it, but on your account settings you can select to receive notifications on the likes your received cards have (settings --> account --> “notify me of”). In that way you will have a pretty good idea of which ones are getting attention, although there isn’t the same wall view as with the cards you sent.

Ah, okay. That’s a pretty obscure setting. I honestly have not looked at that particular setting page since…well, probably closer to when I first signed up. It would be nice to actually have the received card version of the popular page, though, instead of getting extra emails in my inbox.

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I would welcome something like the popular section for received cards. I have been missing this for a long time.

Perhaps share these suggestions directly with moderators, and/or add to comments in the next Postcrossing census?

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Or have this thread moved to “Suggestions” where it will probably attract mod/admin attention?


there is a heart with how many have liked the card when you look threw the gallery.

Yes, but that means you have to click through to every single postcard to see favorites for each card. I have over 1000 postcards (and I’m sure other members have even more) and I don’t have the patience to go through all of them individually. I would like these statistics compiled into one page, just like the “popular” page.