Famous or Obscure Landmarks?

Do you Guys prefer Postcards with Landmarks that already are famous or would you like to learn about Landmarks that you didn´t already know about?


I like both: famous landmarks and learning about not-so-famous or obscure landmarks.


Lots of times landmarks that are not famous are really appealing to people interested in the particular subject. Like historic sites - you can learn a lot about the history of the area through landmarks. Or archeological or geological sites, for example.

I am very interested in petroglyphs, dolmans and henges which people created a long time ago. I used to think there were only a few such places in the world, but through Postcrossing, have found many more sites to enjoy learning about and seeing. :blush: Only a few of these are famous, so I’m only learning about them when people share them.


I like both. Actually, I have learned many unknown facts about famous landmarks because of Postcrossing. Some of them are even from my own country.


Obscure would always excite me more, especially if the sender can tell me some interesting facts about it :smiley:

But there’s nothing wrong with famous landmarks either :slightly_smiling_face:

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I am fine with any landmark as long as it’s not a landmark in the place I live in (I live in the San Francisco Bay Area, so if someone from elsewhere sends me a card with the Golden Gate Bridge on it, I would find it deeply weird).

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I like obscure, only because it will invariably set me off down an uncharted Wikipedia rabbit hole and I find that fun. But I would be delighted if someone made the effort to send me information about any landmark, regardless of how famous it is.