Explore country

Hello everyone,

I don’t know if I’m the only one curious… but I would really like to have a map of each country divided by its regions or departments and see the number of participants in the Postcrossing project (approximately). Because it is true that there are more participants in some countries, but knowing approximately how many people are around allows you to better know if organizing a rally will be a success.
This also makes it possible to know if this project is concentrated more near very large cities or if the participants are dispersed throughout a country.
Personally, I believe that people write more in the countryside than in town. But I am very curious to see the differences between countries and regions.


That would take a huge amount of time & work that staff don’t have plus it would reduce the privacy protection of some Postcrossers.

You can get a sense of what you want by using the search function by country/region/city for some countries.


I thing the way to know
its to going in the “search” category
but France
and région Bretagne
click search
the answer is more than 1000
but if you order bye las login, you see you have 10 pages of 10 who have log at least one in the last month
hope i am clear ?

Just to give you an idea about the difference between countries:
In Malaysia the distribution of postcrossers is generally concentrated in Penang, Greater Kuala Lumpur, and Kota Kinabalu, where postcards can be bought from shops

In other places, postcrossers are far and apart. Their postcards had to be purchased online

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You might post this in the meetup forum, they could probably tell you how to see in there is interest in a local gathering

I think it would be nice to have a map of each country to see the concentration of postcrossers. This would be more interesting and fun than doing all the research to discover each profile of the subscribers. It would just be a way to have the statistics in a clear and comparative way.

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I would also like to see somewhere how many members are really active, that means how many members from my country for example have been logged in the last month. Because there are many members who have not been logged in for more than years and this distorts the statistics

I just tried to look it up for your country via the section “Explore - Search members”:

When you search for members who have logged in within last week, you get 950 results.

When you search for member logged in within last month, the search is already limited to 1.000 results, so the result is inaccurate.

:arrow_right: The Postcrossing team surely could tell the correct numbers, but is a mere interest to know how many members are active at the moment enough to justify the effort and cost of programming another statistic or even a map? :thinking:

Meetups are organised via the forum - and many members only use the main website. So knowing how many active Postcrossers exist in a region doesn’t tell us anything about whether they would attend a Meetup. :wink:

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Other members are very active but not interested in a meetup. Or they are mainly active in the forum or on facebook, instagram etc.

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