Expired Postcards

I, too, waited until they were expired quite a while. More than 200 days if I remember correctly. One has gone off my list, so more than a year now, and neither card sent show received.
I resend because I enjoy receiving cards so much.



Hi all,
I just wanted to follow up from the post I wrote on the 2nd of April where I had 6 expired postcards.

First the good news, India registered my postcard. The Brazil one, I followed the advice of a member here and wrote a message describing the picture on the postcard and the date sent. Andā€¦ Success, this time they answered back by registering my postcard, as it was very late my travel stats for Brazil is terribly long.

Bad news, Taiwan has now not logged on for 4 months. Netherlands logs in regularly but no movement in sent and received. I think they are still in another country.

Belgium and USA are active members and they were over 100 days ā€¦ I ended up resending postcards. I wanted to let it go but I couldnā€™t, so resent them.

The funny thing is I am now in the tag and lottery and have sent many postcards to same countries with no missing and all received in a month. Touch wood.


I sometimes ask active members if they probably forgot to register my card. It really happened twice before, that the card was put away without having been registered. I never include the ID. But I wonder why people don`t reply my messages. Only one person did and was really sad. That was the reason why I sent a second card, that arrived quickly.


This may sound weird?.. Also, apologies if it was answered earlierā€¦ I cant find it.

If I send 10 cards and the receivers get themā€¦ THEN I get 10 cards from postcrossers right?

So If my cards expire partially (60+ days but less than 365 days)ā€¦ Will I get return cards for the ones I sent?

I have some 12 expired cards and I see that I can send 12 more if I wantā€¦ I didnt send because I thought Ill wait till my sent cards are registered.
3 were registered after 60 and 70+ daysā€¦ Will I receive cards 3 even though it was registered late?

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Yes, you will. You get a postcard for each registered card. The 60 day expiration is in place to make your life (as a sender) easier meaning you donā€™t have to wait more than 60 day to be able to send another card :slight_smile: Some cards can travel very long and they could block you from sending when you have few slots.


I have my first expired postcard! I mailed it to China while in travel mode domestically in the US from a tiny national park post office, so I am not shocked it has not arrived. I was unable to print the address (managed to stay in the only hotel without a working business centerā€¦), so I had to write the address in English characters so I am hoping it is sitting in a pile to be translated in China. But I am totally not surprised it expired.

I have another that went to Finland that will expire in a week or so, and I am shocked about that. I am going to wait until 60 days hit, and then message the recipient. They receive many cards every day, so not sure if it just got missed.

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Cards to ā€œreliableā€ countries get lost or seriously damaged, including domestic addresses.

Exactly that. I have an expired card to France, sent in travel mode from Germany last summer.

The member is active, and as I have made a short trip to Germany again meanwhile, I posted a re-send a month ago. Normally I donā€™t do it but sending from Germany is so cheap compared to Poland that I decided to break my own rule this one time - the resend has not arrived either :wink: Member is registering other cards, so itā€™s just my bad luck, I guess :laughing: But sending these two cards was more or less the equivalent of sending just one from Poland, so I am not particularly sad.

EDIT: Apparently, complaining helps! My long-expired card to France has just been registered (I assume the resend arrived), I am quite happy right now :smiley:


I learned complaining helps as well, my long traveled card to Finland arrived :rofl:


As soon as they are registered!


Thank you @hankadl and @RalfH!

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I have never had a card expire from the US to Germany.
And now in 2024, I suddenly have 3 cards in a row to Germany that are about to expire.
The members have all been on pretty recently, are active, and I see other US cards registered.
It just makes me wonder how that has happened; and wonder if it is on ā€œour end or theirsā€.
I always try a second card to Germany. Iā€™ll be sending 3 in the next week. I wonder how they will fareā€¦?

I dont know what to do
These 4 russian member was active more than 1 month agoā€¦

and I started to see Russia in slots alwaysā€¦ and inactive ones.

like that;

I have just 10 slots and 5 of them is Russia is a lot.

Iā€™ve had similar issues this year.


I think you should be patient and hope that the cards will still arrive and be registered.
Many of us have the same or similar experiences.


Is it true that expired postcards canā€™t be registered no more?
I have my first expired card now and i am not sure if i should message the person to ask if she got it.

Cards can still be registered up to one year after the sent date

To learn more about postcrossing, I always recommend reading all FAQs


2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Why do my cards take so long?

Hi! At he moment Iā€™ve got one expired card. If it doesnā€™t arrive in a couple of weeks I will send the duplicate.

Hi! Sure you will. I had the similar situation.

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