Expired Postcards

I write Expired Card as the message title

“Sorry to bother you, but before I send a replacement I wanted to see if the card arrived, but not yet registered? Hope you are doing well!”

I don’t do this often, as it’s been either no response or one that they did not get it. If they are active in a country with reliable postal service I just send another.


hey guys. i sent my very first 2 post cards two months ago and both of them have yet to arrive. i believe this may be a result of our crazy postal system here in Bosnia. can anyone advise me on what i should do now? do i just wait it out?

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Now, what’s matter with US post?

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Are these people registering other cards, but not yours? 30 - 60 days is a normal range for Chinese cards to arrive.


So i got a message about a week ago, asking me if i already gotten her postcard. I had not and i still haven’t.
At the moment i think it travelled for 40+ days. I am from The Netherlands and the card should be from France… so that shouldn’t take too much time i suppose.

My question is…because she did include the postcard ID in her message. Is it wise to register it, without receiving the card. Or should i just wait and let it expire for her? I really don’t know what is the best thing to do. I hope someone can help me.

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Per Postcrossing guidelines, you don’t have to register a card you haven’t received.

Just politely let the sender know you haven’t gotten it and will register once received


Thank you :slight_smile:

It’s not only that you don’t have to register a card you didn’t receive, you’re actually not supposed to. It says in the Community Guidelines, “Never register a postcard that hasn’t arrived yet; if you see requests otherwise, please report it to us!”


Any possibility to xheck with your postal system?
Do they treat cards worse than letters? Then you coul try draw a third adress and send in an envelope (and explaining why, cause some people ddon’t like envelopes)

Edit: And welcome to postcrossing! :smiley:


It’s not wise. It’s forbidden to register without receiving.
If it arrives, it arrives. If not, not your problem. (No problem with registering later within a year, if it shows up some day.)


Oh i didn’t know that. Thanks for making me aware of that!

Are we allowed or is it possible to send a new card to the ones that have expired? Has anyone done this?


Yes, you can still send a 2nd postcard, it’s not required, but you can do it, I have done it before, but now postage has changed my mind over time.


I just did this because my recipiant is in my country and is the ONLY card that has taken 40 days. So i decided to send another. I think the original must have gotten lost.

I’ve received a number of ‘re-sent’ cards, and always feel bad when I do, because the sender had to pay/spend time 2x. Then I wonder what the etiquette is, if I have to send a ‘thank you’ card in return for their efforts.

Often the 2nd card arrives shortly after the first one arrives. Sometimes mail is just delayed somewhere.


I’ve resent expired cards 4 times. Two received the second cards sent! It is your own choice.
I wrote on the card that it was the second card sent. Maybe they’ll end up with both eventually, though I don’t think so.
Sometimes mail, especially postcards, just gets lost. It’s purely your choice.


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I have done twice, but only after waiting 100 days & only because both postcrossers were still active, I wouldn’t have if the recipient appeared to have given up postcrossing.

For both It was clear they must have got lost. Both second cards arrived & both recipients were grateful that I’d made the effort.

It’s personal choice, I’d just say don’t do it too quickly, some cards just take a really long time to reach their destination x


Why do you make your mind up on cards that are travelling? You cannot do anything about it anyway.
When I dropped them into the letterbox, I also let them go mentally and do not think of them until I get a hurray-message. Currently having 30 cards on status expired, so what. Some day most of them will arrive.


The fact that they resend is not part of the rules/etiquette of postcrossing. And a thank you card is always up to the receiver too!

If you want to do it, sure, if you don’t want to, no problem either.

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I would send a brief private message along the lines of “Received your (second) card today - many thanks!”

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