Expired Postcards

We have an expired card : 8 months ago , she saw her profile last time 8 months ago

The card won’t be registered.

Good luck to you , administrators never register cards even people stopped checking their profiles a year ago because there is no proof that you sent the card and arrived to them.

Well, too many expired cards, but I got enough patience to wait for their arriving. The only weird postcard mine is the one sent to Leisnig, Germany. I sent this member a posctard in Febuary this year, but it seemed that it would never get to her. So I sent this member a second one in June, but until now it has passed more than 3 months and my second card is still remained unregistered. I checked the received postcards of this member and found that from March to the middle of August she did not received even a posctard, but since the middle of August, she began to register postcards again. However, those posctards that she registered were the ones sent recently, while not those sent during this long period. I don’t know what happened…


On WPD I drew an address of a user who haven’t been logged in over 10 days.

Why such a user has been choosed!? It will obviously expire.

13 days is not much. Maybe this person only logs in when they receive postcards? Sometimes I may also go more than 10 days without logging in if I haven’t sent postcards and haven’t received them either. Of course I will register them when I receive them.


I have gotten addresses like this, and it’s not possible to tell who will register your card and who not.
One looked like it will disappear, it did expire, and the member was not seen for over a month at one point, but they came back, registered some cards, then again “disappeared”, long time again, but then registered my card.

And I have a member who was seen the same day I wrote the card, is still active, and card is expired to EU country.

13 days can be even a holiday, it really isn’t much.


I believe they thought 2016 was the last time the person logged in!

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But they wrote “haven’t been logged in over 10 days”.


Well. I don’t think she is just in vacation because…
—She didn’t receive / send cards since August.
—She has received / sent over 1000 postcards. So I don’t think no postcard has been delivering for over a week.

So, could you tell please what do you think then?

Are you saying their address should not be given, because they were not logged in for 13 days (or even less, if you took the screenshot now?)? How often do you think we should log in, to get the cards?

I have sent/received over 4000 and I think there are still sometimes a week without mail. It certainly happened with 1000 sent/received.

I think I’m just trying to say not to worry :hugs:
Cards get expired and even lost, but this is not even near it yet, and let’s hope it won’t be :slight_smile:


About expired cards in postcrossing, well we found a wonderful website with less people than postcrossing and cards can travel all the time to be registered (More than a year is OK) and this is great: when someone is out for 4 months the cards are autoregistered, what a wonderful idea.

In that website we dont have to think about expired cards, and everything is relax.
Costa Rican people say: everything is PURA VIDA.

But if someone is not out for 4 months, then it’s not autoregistred?

Maybe you are confusing/misunderstanding what the expired means? You can still register expired card, because when you get it, you don’t know how long it travelled.

Here you can hide the expired travelling cards, if you don’t care to see those.
(Then of course it can surprise when it’s registred, because you didn’t see it in your travelling cards list.)


And that if their recent received card was dated over a month ago, I would be disappointed.

Well, this is just an opinion of a people from a country where only a few day can be given for holydays.

In postcrossing ID cards that travel more than a year cant be registered, in our favorite website cards can travel all the time they need to be registered and when people is ouT for 4 months all cards are autoregistered, and those people wont receive more id cards obviously.

we will send just one id card in Octuber 1st every year just to celebrate world post day, ohhh we sent a second id card some days ago.

What has the amount of holidays to do with Postcrossing? Hm…:thinking:

By the way, I set myself to inactive in March because of lack of time. Nevertheless, as you can see on my wall, I still received cards which traveled for a very long time. These cards traveled for so long because something went wrong on their journey or, yes, I have to say this, because people drew addresses but wrote the card months later.

It’s always a double-sided thing, not only the recipient…

Nevertheless, maybe you could answer the question of @S_Tuulia, how often people should log in to get cards :slight_smile:
I’m curious about this, too.

@Gangurru So everyone have their favorite website. I’m happy to read that you’ve found one which fits better for you.


is not 100 % true.
Yes, after one year the card vanishes from the travel list, but in the moment one tries to register the card they get a hint that the card traveled for more than one year and can’t be registered but user XY sent this card and can be contacted.

And isn’t that the most important thing that you can get in touch with the sender and be able to thank them? Or is it really more important that it counts on the wall? I don’t think so.


Hello again

A moderator told me that we must have the same sent cards of received cards to get a card to us from another Country.

That means that we have to send 6 id cards.

I am going to check the profile of this user in my Country:

25 sent cards
29 received cards Octuber 10th 2023

Supposedly he has to send 4 id cards to receive one from another Country.
It means his 30 received cards.

ohhh about what we like the most: in our first years in our profile we wrote: if you want a thank card let us know. So to many people who sent us ID cards we sent a thank card to them.

I have also more received than sent and will have to wait before more cards are sent to me, but that has nothing to do with expired cards


I have five postcard expired for a long time, I don’t know why. Some are the users didn’t register, some are maybe disappear.


I’m sorry, but what does expired mean?

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When a card travels longer than 60 days, it gets expired. You can draw another adress than. The card can be lost or registered anyway after a longer time.

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