Experiences as a newbie

Exactly! I think I’ll always be curious and a little eager just before I hit that button to request a new one. I hope I do at least.

Oh, that’s a very generous offer. And you’ve been doing it for ten years! Wow. I’ll check it out, thanks.

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I learned about WASHI tape the other day, a youtuber I think. People really make fantastic things with just a few strips of that, a few coloured pens, a sticker or two (and neat handwriting). And then there are the people who make their own cards. Some are really amazing, and I hope I’ll get one or two of those.

I’m not sure I’ll go down that rabbit hole, but I did buy a sheet of stickers from a French shop.


@whitefroststreetboi @PinkNoodle @GrapeGirl

Ok, I won’t throw anything away. These cards may get their own box though.

I just thought of a way of getting a few rarer cards, I occasionally support a kickstarter for comics and these often come with a card or two, and I know I have a few. I think some of the creators have more to sell as well. It won’t be cheap, but it’ll be a way to support a creator a little extra, and hopefully a few interesting cards for anyone into these kinds of things.


Come on, it’s awful, and hardly even in the fun kind of way like The Room :sweat_smile:.

Prove them wrong :blush:, make up for quantity in quality. If I ever feel let down by postcards from Germany, it’s because it’s another generic photo of an industrial site with all of “Hello from Duisberg” on the back, but those postcards would be a bit of a letdown from anywhere.

This is one of my all-time favourite postcards from Germany, I love the retro aspect of it:

And this one recently went up on my fridge, it just carries its mood so well:

Anyone receiving such a card should appreciate it from the collector’s value alone :money_mouth_face: :money_mouth_face: (as there is no DuisbErg :laughing: :innocent: :joy:; edit: I realized now you meant the one-liner-message; well, without the official typo the collector’s value might not increase that much, but still).
It’s offtopic, but there really is a dynamic where super-cards from superuser-countries are received somehow less enthusiastic than standard-cards from superrare-countries. Still, that should not make feel superuser-countries-users to be forced to send extramile-supersuper-cards. It’s send a card … not feel guilty about the popularity of postcrossing in your country. (instead all complainers could/should think what they can do to increase the number of users in their neighbourhood)

Back to topic: museums might be another good place where local cards can be found (see also various threads where to find cards, also in the local-language-communities here)


First of all it’s “Duisburg”. Secondly Duisburg is part of the Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr area, Ruhr district). The Ruhrgebiet was (and still is) affected by coal mining and steel production. The Ruhrgebiet can be considered as the heart of Germany’s Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle) after WW2. So those industrial sites are places full of history and culture and a lot of Germans (at least those living there) are proud of them. Also there isn’t much more to see due to this very special and unique history. You always have to keep this in mind when receiving a card from this part of Germany.

BTW: Two of those industrial sites in the Ruhrgebiet and in the Saarland are now UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The Zollverein Coal Mine Industrial Complex and the Völklingen Ironworks.

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Now that we were talking about the great amount of German Postcrossers we have; Nobody should feel guilty about their country being the most common, but if somebody in Germany wants to spice up their variety of sent cards the Travel mode could do the trick! It is extremely easy to travel from Germany to neighboring countries, which many are rare ones in Postcrossing. Of course, right now it is not good idea to travel, but for the normal times that would be something to consider about plus it is good excuse to make day/weekend trips.

@Jarulf you might wanna check out the Postcrossing Norden group in Facebook if you haven’t already. We are not really active here in forum but the FB group seems to be doing fine (I am mostly just reading there). If there is Dollarstore near your location, they usually sell ok cards 12 for 10kr, and I get some from Ica too thought their collections varies a lot between stores. Some has none, some has several different ones.


Welcome to postcrossing! :partying_face:

May I ask how you guys (especially the new members) found out about Postcrossing?
In 2012 my mother, who knew about my passion for handwritten letters and postcards, showed me an article she has seen in the Deutsche Post magazine “Postfrisch” (4/2012 issue, I’ve kept the article and add a photo of it below). I immediately loved the idea and joined the project and it became one of my favourite hobbies (to date), though the years I’ve participated may differ in activity.
I often struggle with wishlists too. We all agree that postcrossing is not about demanding certain kind of cards, however profiles without any hints of interests or wishes (which is of course totally ok) are the greatest challenge for me haha. :sweat_smile:


I don’t use FB, but I think there is a Dollarstore somewhere here. And I visit ICA almost everyday, so I’ll have to check if they have any cards Great suggestions, thank you.
Oh, and Krokom huh? I lived my first few years in Kattstrupeforsen. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the welcome. I only heard about it a few weeks ago, a youtuber mentioned in in passing as he showed what he had received recently. I didn’t know what he was talking about, but the word struck. Almost, at any rate. I remembered it as Crossposting, but managed to find it anyway when I searched for it out of idle curiosity.
And here I am.


I’ve just wrote and sent out the first cards. :blush:

I had a boring weekend and found it on Google. Read about it and registered myself. I love writing letters and postcards since I’m a little child.


Me too! (well I wrote them yesterday)

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A friend told me about it back when I lived in Vancouver. Neither of us are from Vancouver, so the idea of sending cards from there seemed exciting, since the city still felt a bit “new” to us. I don’t live there anymore but the love for Postcrossing remained unchanged :hugs:

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Sure, but I don’t just send postcards of The Little Mermaid or Nyhavn, and I certainly write a lot more than just “Hello from Copenhagen”. The point was to send postcards of high quality, if the person is “concerned” about being another German on postcrossing. My comment was (as should be clear) directed at mindless postcards I receive from all over the world; but at least some of them can have the novelty of being from an unusual place. An industrial site could be made interesting by nothing more than writing a bit about it, and not just “Hello from Duisburg”.


Am looking forward to my first German card actually as I speak German and also like their super efficient postal system.

Thanks for all the positive comments…turns out I am a newbie and getting things right :grinning:

Some nice new wildlife cards arrived today which am looking forward to writing…


A slightly belated welcome to all of you.
I hope our Postcrossing is prosperous and all our cards arrive safely :blush::heart:


:scream: :scream: :joy:

But what about the bicyclists careening off the Langebro?! Or the sudden cut to an incongruous, quasi-promotional nightclub performance at Tivoli?! Or the fact that most of the “panicked” crowd is jogging away from the monster at a leisurely pace while smiling because they’re excited to be extras in a movie?! A cinematic triumph! :upside_down_face:

My first experiences after sending seven cards:

  • Getting local cards during lockdown really isn’t that easy, I was surprised how relatively bland many cards in train stations were. I’ve ordered some cards online that really look nice, but they have no connection to my city though. After checking the walls of other postcrossers I quickly figured out that local tourist/multiview cards only make up a portion of what people send and receive so I’ve quickly lost my fear of being obliged to only send “Greetings from…”-cards.
  • I love the German Post stamp service, you can get a good variety of stamps send to you without paying additional transport fees.
  • Chosing card, stamp and message is super fun. I only want to send things that I would like myself as well, so chosing these things is an interesting process of finding that “common ground” you have with a receiver and ignoring the stuff that we don’t share or agree on. Thankfully, most people share enough about themselves to make it easy to find that common ground - and the feeling of having something in common, despite all the differences in nationality, religion, sex, age etc. is something really cool.
  • Apparently many people don’t really give a shit about the “don’t just write what you (don’t) want to receive” rule, hehe…
  • Don’t get this the wrong way, but I love to discover all the new things about the places where the cards go to - I don’t look up the adresses on streetview or something, just reading stuff about the city/town in general, wondering about routes my card would take if I would just drive there, local football clubs or famous seights etc.
  • Last but not least, as a German postcrosser I’ve quickly changed my settings to accept cards to and from Germany as well after my first five cards - which is only an altruistic move on first sight, because this way I plan to get my card limit up a bit quicker so that I can send moooooooooore :laughing:

Hello! I’m also new. The experience of preparing cards you described is really nice indeed and exciting…! I’ve sent a bit under 10 cards within one month, and I’ve been enjoying the experience so far. I try to use cute or interesting stamps and write a personal message and decorate the back.

But I have only a few amount of cards available. I sometimes had trouble fitting people’s preferences but I hope they don’t mind… I also wanted to make handmade postcards with drawings and collage but so many people say they dislike or don’t want them in their profile that I gave up on this…


I’m going to edit my profile so at the top it says “Accepts handmade cards happily”
While it should be obvious that I do if you read the profile, it can’t hurt. :smiley: