Exchange postcards with my pupils

Hello everybody!

I’m totally new on postcrossing and kind of lost but here I come :slight_smile: I haven’t practised my English for a while so please be indulgent haha

I’m a 30yo preschool teacher working in the tiny village f 600 inhabitants in the North of France. My pupils are aged from 2 and a half to 6 yo and our main theme for this school year is “travelling around the world”. So as I wrote in my profile during the whole year we work on books to discover several countries , cultures, traditions, songs, monuments, important personalities …
We will focus on Paris, London, Egypt, Kenya, China, Russia, Australia, Brazil, New York and Canada so people coming from those cities are more than welcome but I also need people from all around the world for this project.

When you teach young children it’s important to give meaning to what they do and why they do it. That is why I would like people to send us a postcar (and maybe something more, but we will discuss about it later) from their country or city.
I’m interested in direct swap so that we could create our own postcard and send it to you, and even if my pupils are only able to copy words at the moment, speaking skills are really important so I could work with them on creating sentences, introducting themselves or their school, talking about a specifif subjetc and so on. There are multiples opportunities and that’s what I like :wink:

Well, I’m not sure I made myself clear, but if you’re interested in it wherenever you come from just drop me a message and we will discuss about that :slight_smile:

Hope to hear from you soon!



PS : I know the address is not mentionned, just PM me if you want to know it :slight_smile:

I can send one from Aotearoa/New Zealand

I can send an Indiana State card from United States. PM your address

PM sent. Happy to send some Aussie cards.

I’d be happy to send a card from my area.

Please send me an address. I would be happy to send one from Montana and some from my cat, Gulliver who likes to travel.


Thanks for your message.

Ecole Célestin Freinet
18 rue du bois

My pupils will be pleased to learn something about your state and your cat as well haha.
Would you like us to send you a response?


And welcome to Postcrossing!

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Hi! I’d love to participate,

I can send an Informative postcard about the manatee from Florida :blush:

yes, I will message my address

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Hi Tiffany,

We’d love it! :slight_smile: Never heard before about the manatee from Florida so we will learn, my pupils and I , something from you haha!

Looking forward to read it :slight_smile:

Hello, Cedric!
I can send you a postcard from Belarus.

Hi Elena!

That would be lovely if we could receive something from you :slight_smile:
We will send you a postcard of course, thanks for your kindness!

Good evening, Cedric! My daughter and I has sent a postcard to you. We were happy to do it! Be healthy and good luck!)

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Wow you are so fast. Say thank you to your daughter I will let you know when we will receive it.
Take Care Elena

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I can send you a card from London.

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That would be awesome and my pupils would love it! Feel free to send a card to the address mentionned above.


I’m new on postcrossing also. I live in Abu Dhabi in UAE and I will gladly send you postcards from Abu Dhabi and from Dubai.

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That’d be awesome if we could get something from Abu Dhabi! :slight_smile:

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