Escape Room Meetup in Tampere 24.2.2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Tampere, Pirkanmaa
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Room Escape Finlayson, Finlayson TR9, Seelanti, Finlaysoninkatu 7, 5th floor, 33210 Tampere and Panimoravintola Plevna, Itäinenkatu 8, 33210 Tampere
:calendar: DATE: 24.2.2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Let’s play escape room game and write postcards (15:00) together. You can participate both or just one. All the escape room places 6+6+6 are now full, but you can come to meetup there are places for 36. Please join by filling out this form at the latest January 31st. If you have any questions contact @Silpa

Tervetuloa Tampereen Finlaysonille pakohuonepelailemaan (13:30) ja miittailemaan Plevnaan (15:00). Pakohuonepaikat 6+6+6 ovat nyt täynnä, mutta miittiin Plevnassa mahtuu vielä, paikkoja on 36:lle.

Ilmoittaudu mukaan täyttämällä tämä lomake viimeistään 31.1. Jos sinulla on jotakin kysyttävää, niin ota yhteyttä @Silpa

:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Meetup cards:



Hello dear Postcrossers!
I would be very interested in swap both wonderful cards.
My offers:

Enjoy your meetup and thank you in advance.

hello some one would swap with me? i’m born on 24/02 :slight_smile: thank you very much