Error when adding myself to a meetup

Can anyone help me with this problem: Mannheim Mini-Meetup 01.05.24 - #18 by smiling_star

I try to add myself to a meetup but it doesn’t work. I also refreshed, logged out and in again, used different devices.

@Bille asked my to post this here. It seems she had the same problem when she tried to add herself so it might be a general problem.

Thanks a lot!

Edit: Here’s the screenshot of the error that’s always shown when I try it:

It also gives me an error (500)!

Hope someone can shed some light on this.

Security updates were made today. Maybe it’s related to that?

With the latest Discourse update, we are no longer using the third-party plugin that provided this RSVP feature. For the time being, meetup organizers can keep a participants list on the fist post.

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