Error: "Draft is being edited in another window. Please reload this page."

I got this error window while writing on the forum yesterday from my Windows 10 PC (Edge browser), and it has appeared twice again today (even just now, while I’m typing this):

I wasn’t writing in two different windows, though. What could the problem be?
Thank you in advance!


I had the same a few days ago. Part of the draft was still there, but some stuff I had written disappeared. I had taken the time to scroll within the same window in order to reply to several people. Maybe that took too long… but I had to rewrite the lost bit.

It happened to me too. I was using my phone at the time.

I didn’t lose anything, because I clicked on “Ignore”, but it’s annoying. I’m glad I’m not the only one experiencing this.

It might be trouble with connection to database and then forum engine thinks that you have opened another session…

Same problem here today. Only one browser window open.

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I always use my phone and I have this problem very often. When I write a long message it often comes two or three times during the same message. I always click on ignore and everything I wrote is still there.

Yes, I naturally at first cast it as being just a glitch. This happened more than twice yesterday. I just log-out of PC and cleared out my Cache, and others files that were being saved. The system has been okay; this morning for me.

I also have this error message quite often. I think it appears if somebody else starts to reply to the same topic.