Endgame - How many postcards until you have finished?

I thought I was over but came back this year after a 6 year hiatus :slight_smile: One doesnā€™t have to say goodbye forever.

If I ever got to a point of drowning in cards, Iā€™d probably give away or recycle the ones that are not as special as other ones. And then you have some more space.


I will stay as long as I get joy from it. Maybe when I get 20 cards in a row that just tell me where they live and say ā€œhappy postcrossingā€. <ā€“that is always a downer! I enjoy the postcards that read my profile and answer a question or two <ā€“that makes me learn something about them.
That and when the USPS stops issuing new amazing stamps that I want to use! The new RBG (Ruth Bader Ginsburg) stamps!!! RBG, you are missed!


I have a target of sending 100 postcards a year.


I started on a random day this April. I donā€™t see stopping anytime soon. Itā€™s such a wonderful way to connect and Iā€™m constantly amazed by peopleā€™s generosity and kindness. Iā€™ve said it before but Iā€™ll say it again, this hobby gives me faith in humanity really. If a little card with stickers on it and washi tape I send can make someoneā€™s day even the tiniest bit better, itā€™s so worth it for me.


I just ordered the RBG stamps! So excited to use them :heart:


PostCrossing is only one part, but a key one, of my Postcard hobby. Iā€™ve been involved with collecting/buying/selling/swapping postcards since 1978. Over that time I have accumulated a substantial number of postcards. I always say that one day I will start counting how many cards that I have, but procrastination wins out every time. LOL


I can actually see myself quitting Postcrossing but not sending cards. I started exchanging before I discovered the website and will continue even after I leave. I donā€™t really have a target number but it will definitely be a multiple of 10ā€“it just feels better that way


Me too. I pre-ordered them and am so excited to have them!


I find myself wanting to say, ā€œdefine substantialā€¦ā€


I would sayā€¦minimum 10,000 cards but it may be more.


And I thought I was running out of room. I now feel like I have 5 cards


I donā€™t think I can stop. Iā€™m having too much fun.


Iā€™ve never thought about having an end goal. I think if one day I do have the feeling that Iā€™d like to stop, Iā€™d like to end at a round number at least.


I never have end goal because postcrossing give me joy and aim.
I might take some time off but will keep continue as long as i can


I havenā€™t had a goal and I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever stop this hobby. Sometimes, of course, I take breaks.


Sometimes Iā€™ll write more cards, sometimes fewer.

But Iā€™ll continue with Postcrossing as long as Iā€™ll be well enough (vision/eyesight, going to the philately shop,ā€¦), can afford it (but I donā€™t send cards excessively, so should be able to afford the occasional card at least as long as I have a job!),ā€¦, and as long as Postcrossing exists! :smile:

It has enriched my life immeasurably, so why stop (voluntarily)?! :wink:


I just joined postcrossing this year. Iā€™ve known postcrossing for a long time and this is actually the third account Iā€™ve already registered (the first two were automatically closed). I would like to say postcrossing brings a lot of fun and happiness to my life. :blush:
I was about to give up the hobby of writing postcards last year - it did waste some time to write the cards and I also had few unpleasant swap experiences before. I didnā€™t have a mail box last year and it was a little inconvenient for me to find my cards (sometimes I found them on the groundā€¦)
Thankfully I got a mailbox at the beginning of this year and met some nice postcard pals. I decided to continue writing postcards and I know itā€™s totally fine to take a break if Iā€™m a little tired of it.
At first I thought 1000 cards will be a large amount for me and itā€™s not easy to organize them. But now Iā€™ve already received more than 1000 cards I guess. For now I think I will continue writing cards. If I get very busy in the future I may consider to stop it.


I think I will send the postcards to the foreigners until I pass away because send postcards to foreigners make me feel happy!


I donā€™t have an end date but I admit, I never planned to do this this long. But then again, I didnā€™t make any plans, like I never planned other hobbies either, how long I will do them. No goals, no planning, good things just stick with me :slight_smile:
but if I could choose, I would end with an odd number, so the number would have a feel of movement, continuance and anticipation :smile:
I like this that I donā€™t have to do something, there is not time or place when I can do it, but I can do it if there is some free time. If it was at all demanding, like ā€œonly write one card a monthā€, I would not even join.


Iā€™ll do Postcrossing until I either lose interest, die or canā€™t afford it anymore.

A certain goal, like a certain number of postcards or some like that, thatā€™s nonsense for me personally. Iā€™ve met so many wonderful people in almost 10 years here that it would just be stupid to stop because Iā€™ve achieved a goal.

Postcrossing gives me so much more than just sending and receiving postcards :slight_smile: