Empty Hurray messages

it is rude and they are sending it intentionally. allowed to send? whay do you exactly mean by that?

There’s actually the whole topic dedicated to empty Hurray messages. If you’re interested about possible reasons for it - check this topic out

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I mean that everyone has the right to register the card the way that works for them and it doesn’t really matter what you or I or anyone else think of that. There are no rules against blank hurrays, in that case it wouldn’t be possible to even register it without writing anything.
To say that people are doing this intentionally is quite an assumption and I wouldn’t go there. There are many reasons - language barrier is always the first thing that comes to my mind. Also, there are people who are here for collecting cards and are not interested in the communication part at all.


saying thank you at least is so difficult for them ??

For someone it may be difficult, there are medical conditions where people are in physical pain when typing or writing. There are also probably people that just don’t care. You can never know reasons behind someone’s behaviour and I don’t think it’s fair to assume you do. Even if you did, you still can’t control it, you can only control how you react to it. I advise you to read the topic that was linked, I feel this is getting a bit off-topic here.


If you often get hurrays without text, then maybe you should mind about your part of the game. Did you send a neat postcard with some interesting text? Or did you send bad quslity and show that you did not care?


l do not get many blank hurrays myself. just once in a while. but maddymail got how many he said out of 10 sent? i was very surprised.

bad quolity cards? like what?

For example: thin paper, blurred self taken photographs, etc.

I used to send blank messages too when I could clearly see that there was no effort at all (super thin rather paper like postcard with no effort message like „Happy Postcrossing“ or only a quick sketch). Then one day someone complained so I decided to send generic „Thank you‘s“. If I really liked the postcard, I‘ll send more than a thank you.


Sorry about that. I’m silencing @clubpostcards for some time, as they seem intent in monopolising or de-railing all conversations… :disappointed: I’ve deleted the last few posts on this topic — please carry on!


Oh my gosh, thank you for this topic as I hadn’t realised that user messages are included when you get a “hurray” message :joy: So have just had a lovely surprise going through them :relaxed:

On topic, I always send a message back, although I would understand if someone didn’t do the same. As others have said, so many reasons.

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I’ve only received a handful of empty Hurrays over the years, and in about half of the cases, the recipient favourited the card, wrote the thank you in a comment or send a PM afterwards.
Very early on I read a comment in the old forum where someone had no idea they were supposed to write anything along with the registration, and therefor never did.
So I decided to never take an empty Hurray personal and especially not as a sign that someone disliked my card.

As for me, I answer to the text of the card in my hurrays, or I comment about the image. If it’s a card that seems random to me with no message to speak of, I still send a thank you.


Printing. Framing. :framed_picture:


if I do not like the card (do not like it at all), I send empty hurray message
so far I have done it only two or three times (more than 300 cards received)

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in your case, you can just chill and mention only thanks. that would be good enough. the sender at least paid the postage and took the time to mail it your way. anyway, good luck.

now i say Sayonara to this thread.


I don’t think I ever received a blank message. Or I don’t remember, because really I am not that fussed… it is great to receive a nice and long message back, but if it doesn’t happen then that’s it. More often, I’ve received just “thank you”.

One thing I learnt in my life, around my late teens I think: we all communicate differently. I am made of words, mainly written words, and I just cannot conceive of not expressing everything in way too many words. Some people are just not like that. Maybe they are super chatty if you meet them, but it would never occurr to them to send a long message. It’s just the way it is (besides all other factors like language and whatnot). After having taken it personally a few times in my youth, I came to this truth, people are not trying to spite you by not communicating the way you think is natural, it is just not natural to them. A lot of people are shocked about how much I write/speak but what can I say, it’s my way of expressing myself.


You are right, empty hurry message confuses. was my card not liked or if recipient does not know english, or too shy to say anything. Same is cards, which carries only "happy postcrossing " message without even name.


I’ve had a couple of instances where I’ve got an empty hurray message but then they’ve favourited the postcard :woman_shrugging: I realise it could be if they don’t speak much English (although I have had a hurray message in a different language before - their profile was all in their own language too) but you think they’d at least be able to write ‘thank you’.

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To me it happened a few times now, that the Hurray Mail was empty and a bit later I have received a Postcrossing message with a Thank you. Oncce the thank you was written as a comment underneath the card instead of writing it when registering

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I wonder if that’s because the recipient wants to get to know the sender a little better before they send their thank you. Some people ask in their profile that you write your username on the postcard, presumably for the same reason.