Empty Hurray messages

@Mattie07 I’ve done that so many times accidentally hit the registration without writing a message :joy:

For me, this behaviour is disappointing, for I want to have the hurray message as a reply to my card, not to anything else.
If somebody registers the card with an empty hurray message, I usually disregard any followup messages.

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That results in the question if you really want to register the card without writing a message.So it is impossible to register a card by co-incidence without writing a message.

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I had this several times. For me it’s okay, because I have a more or less proper working mail operator.

But from time to time I stumble across postings where user complain that they get hurray mails but not any other mails from the main site or at least not always or very late. This happened to me too. A message was sent to me but arrived some days later.

So I can imagine if this happens to other members it could be a real disappointment.

I also cannot read the signature from time to time and after calling a “Vaczlaw” with “Amelie” I prefer to write just “Hello” in that case.

Maybe you could add a little “more later” or “will write a detailed mail later” or some like that :slight_smile:


I rarely get a blank hurray which I’m glad. I do take care to send a detailed message when I register.
The most recent blank “Hurray” I got was from a user who requested a sender:
“Please make a little effort with your postcards! In the meantime I have received so many that are not even written by hand anymore. That’s not the point of a postcard…”
Only to then say nothing when the card was registered. But that was over a month ago so it’s not often.


And being demanding like this is not the point of Postcrossing! :sleepy:


I’ve only sent a blank Hurray message once and that was for a blank postcard. Nothing on it but my address and the ID. I was so disappointed that I couldn’t bring myself to thank them, but I felt guilty afterwards. :confused:


I also write simply “thank you for the card” when registering a card that is blank, or just says happy postcrossing.
I think I have only received about three hurray messages that were totally empty and blank. I have no idea why recipients do that, but I don’t spend much time thinking about it either.

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Thank you :heartpulse:

So if I understand well, if I don’t write any message, the person who sent won’t receive even a Hurray message to let him or her know that the postcard reached its destination. Is it correct?
Otherwise, what does it mean if I received no Hurray message at all? (knowing that the card has been received and even liked)

If you are not typing in a message, the sender will still receive an email notification from postcrossing, but there is nothing personal - the (“hooray” message is missing. That’s what talked about here.


If you receive no messages (e-mails) at all it could be a problem with your e-mail provider. This happens sometimes, it’s kind of a bug. In this case try using an e-mail address from a different provider (for example gmail instead of yahoo) and let the postcrossing team know.

Oh, I understand now!
Thanks a lot!
Then, I already received empty or almost empty Hurray messages. As for me, I try to write always a few lines, even if the sender only wrote “Happy Postcrossing”. I thank him or her for the postcard, and show him I fully appreciated it by mentioning some details of both the card and the stamp.

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I’ve recently received a (clearly copy+paste) Hurray-message that was not even in the language that I wrote the postcard in. I wrote in German, to a German speaker, but received a message back in English. I found it very rude and it made me feel like he didn’t even read my message. Has this ever happened to any of you here? I found it just as disappointing as an empty message.


I’m the one who registers 9 cards with English language, takes time for every message (if the message on the card fits for a detailed message) and then, at the 10th card, written in German, I’m writing the Hurray again in English.
I’m not doing this because I do copy & paste or even because I’m rude but because at this point I’m thinking in English and my head is somewhere in England :see_no_evil::see_no_evil:
It happens every now and then (maybe 1 out of 100-200 cards) and so far everybody took it with humour.

On the other hand I got cards from German native speakers written completely in English.
It happens :person_shrugging:


But that is a perfectly fine reason when you’re sending a personal message to everyone. :slight_smile: In this case, it was surely a copy+paste message without any reference to the card that I sent…

So, to you registering the card with a hurray message is “very rude”?

Seems to some members but a little too much pressure to how to register a card properly :smile:
Thank you is always enough.
Sometimes there just isn’t anything to comment even. Or there is, but they want to register it, so they don’t forget. Maybe they read it later. Maybe they can’t read your hand writing? Maybe the card is ruined and they don’t have the heart to tell it?


Many of you have too sentimental thoughts about Hurray messages. Either the message is empty, too impersonal or too short. For me, just “Thank you” is enough and everything else is extra, but of course also very appreciated. Sometimes I receive 10+ postcards at once and then I just write a short thank you message to everyone. No need to feel guilty about this.


I hope people would tell me that! You can’t solve a problem if you don’t know there is a problem in the first place.


Yes, I agree, but then someone thinks that’s rude.
I normally tell if the card is damaged as well, so they know maybe why I don’t answer or comment to something. But somewhere here I found out some people feel bad knowing this.
Anyways, I still do that, because some like to know it, and I’d like to know too and I don’t tell it to blame the sender.

(By the way @im_lars I understand sometimes a small things feels bigger, I didn’t mean this too personally. I know it can happen a thing annoys, I write it here, and some think it’s a whole world to me, when maybe I already forgot it :grinning:)