Drawing in the abstract

Since long I haven’t been posting… But at last I’ve been able to find out a special paper on which I could make a portrait.Ihave my own style and trend unable to compete with sglamourous postcards posted on the Forum.


Many people love to receive hand made postcards. You would be welcome to join this Tag https://community.postcrossing.com/t/handmade-offer-tag/90596/571 or there are several Round Robins here https://community.postcrossing.com/t/handmade-rr/261966

Or you could just share what you’ve been doing here Show us your handmade postcards and Mail Art - #5246 by vasquez_se7en

I think your style is really fun and I know other people would enjoy seeing your work too!


Thank you so much, I will check out the links you sent me later this evening, still not sure how the RR work or how much of a commitment they are but maybe the handmade tag one might be more for me, thanks for reaching out

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The round Robbin is just signing up for a theme that you particularly enjoy and whenever the group is full (usually 3-5 participants) the organizer will share the groups addresses and then that is who you send your 2-4 cards to. It’s really fun to do. Mail Art RR has specific themes for drawing.


Well, I think everybody has their own style and everything is worth showing and sending!


Ah cool thanks, I don’t think it’s something I’ll do right now, but maybe at some point, thanks for explaining it to me, it sounds fun :slight_smile:

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