Does the algorithm choose addresses for each postcrossers fairly?

You are right, here is one suggestion about it being mandatory for only some countries, I don’t like it, but of course it’s good to discuss and I’m not the one who decides :slight_smile: :

But back to topic: every now and then, when I get a new member, I remember this thread. Last time the new member with I think a little over 10 sent and received, only had the most common countries.

Of course sometimes it happens that a new member gets a rare country, but also old member. New member doesn’t necessarily know what country is rare, so it doesn’t matter.

And it’s not easy to think about the fairness, when we don’t know if the member prefers to send to a rare country, or would rather send in their own country for example. (Someone can think it’s unfair that a new member must send to very far, some can think it’s unfair that they only get the three most common ones - in that way I think the algorithm is fair, it doesn’t ask the feelings, it only gives the address within the few preferences and restrictions.)