Does Anyone Remember? (anyone from the midwest of the USA)

Hi all, this is one of few posts here so I hope it’s alright to query.

I’m wondering if anyone from the midwest of the USA remembers an embossed stationery set sold in Cracker Barrel Restaurants/Gift shops back in the 1990’s?

It was designed by a lady though I can’t remember her name but mostly it was small cards and some larger sheets of stationery with matching envelopes. Most often focused on flowers of purple or blue.

Would anyone recall the artist/designers name?

Thank you :slight_smile:

I have no idea if they were sold at Cracker Barrel but Marjorie Bastin stationary was popular in the 90s. Her designs are absolutely gorgeous. Lots of blues, purples, flowers, birds and butterflies. It also does seem like the kind of thing you could buy at Cracker Barrel.
Dang. Now I really want food from Cracker Barrel. Lol.

Hi @cottontailfarm Thank you for your reply! I don’t think she is the same lady but her work is also gorgeous. :heart: Thank you for mentioning her. I also agree it does seem like something you could buy at Cracker Barrel…Mmmmm :drooling_face: Cracker Barrel.

Uncle Hershel’s favourite with a side of stewed apple sounds SO GOOD right now! :rofl: It’ll be at least a year before I can get back to the US to have it, I’m sure! LOL Thanks for the memories. :heart: :grin: