Do you have favourite multiview cards? (Sent/received/other)

I’d like to see your favourite multiview cards.

This one is one of my favourite received postcards, I love the vibrancy of the colors and I think the pictures go really well together:

My non-tourist town has almost only multiview cards and some I think aren’t that well designed. Out of the ones I have I like this one the most, the font and lines color matches with the light in the night vibe nicely. It’s already out of print.


This one is so inviting to have a walk around these places:

And these are just some of my favourites:

This is pretty neat design ( received )

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Both of these cards aren’t from PostCrossing, although one came through a trade with a Member. It is nice to see someone who likes Multiviews. Many members hate them.

Does this one count as a multiview?

If not, then this one is my favourite:

I’m not a fan of typical multiviews and I have only sent a handful. These are a bit different though and that’s why I like them:

I love wildlife & birds so this is my personal favourite:

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Oh the Lyon one is nice, I like when they use images that get a half smaller than the previous one an so on

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Here are some of my favourite received multiview cards:

And these are my favourite sent multiview cards:

I live in Lüneburg, a small town south of Hamburg, and of course there are only multiview cards in German - so I decided to design my own card in English! Here it is … tell me what you think:

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Oh that’s interesting, did you get it printed professionally? I’ve wanted to do something like this for a while but all the services I find only offer it in large bulks.

Though I wouldn’t worry about sending the cards in German - I think it’s cool to get something in the sender’s native language as it gives an even more local feel to it, and you can always translate some important parts.

I am not a fan of multi view cards, but this one was one of my first received 10 years ago, and I still enjoy:

Hey, thanks for reacting!
There is a drugstore chain in Germany where you can order a pack of 10 cards at good quality for only 4.95 euros. That’s not too expensive in my opinion. So you don’t need to order huge quantities.

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While these are not my favourite card type… I think I only have about three on my sent wall so far…I do love the colours and the landscape in this one!

And trees! I love me some trees! And snow gums are awesome in colour and twisty gnarly shape. So pretty!

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These are awesome!

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