Do you feel cheated by a cheap viewcard?

Oh, wow! I love this type of postcards! I don’t care if they are cheap. And if it is combined with a thoughtful message, than I’m as happy as a postcrosser can be)
Please, don’t worry, we can never equalize the prices here.


I have actually received the card in the middle and I love it!! I would be happy to receive the others as well - they are all beautiful!

As far as ‘cheap’ goes, I buy my tourist cards at a few different places nearby for $.20 or $.25 USD each and I’ve never felt that they were low quality or cheap - just inexpensive, which makes up for the rising cost of postage!


Any neat and sturdy postcard is a postcard, regardless if it is cheap or expensive.


This is a postcard swap site. There is no rule other than BE a postcard. All postcards are allowed. Ofcourse everebody have a favourite one, or like a theme. But is not mandatory. Send what you have, and that Will be ok. Here some people collect series of postcards, stamps, others do hand made postcard, washi tapes… All are ok, but not mandatory. I try to look at profile and send the most near I have. I’m note a fan of hand made, but one of my favourites ever, Is one of those.
So, send on time, send a postcard, register the ones you recive and you’ ll be a nice member of the comunity.

Happy postcrossing!!


I have many tourist cards. Here are what I consider the most ‘boring’, with a $1.30 combined cost. If you get one, feel free to tear it up in disgust …


I like those postcards very much. It’s really good! The value of postcard is not about its price but about the effort you put on and preferably meet the interest of recipients!


Postcrossing is about sharing our stories and cards from our country and local cards we can find, don’t worry much receiver will definitely love your message and stamps:)


I’d like to think that NO aspect of Postcrossing should bring ill-feelings. It’s about the connection not the collection. Enjoy!


I like getting tourist view cards, especially from places I’ve never heard of. I often look places up online and read more about them and look at more pictures.
I send view cards too, because I live in an interesting town with a lot of history that most visitors to the UK wouldn’t think of visiting.
You can’t please everyone, so just send what works for you.


Don’t assume viewcards are inexpensive - maybe they are where you live, but I stopped buying them in local stores where I live, after my 1st months on Postcrossing, because they often cost more than the postage used to send a card from Canada, which is fairly expensive.

Viewcards are why postcards & Postcrossing exist - it’s an essential part of their history. It’s why most people want to send & receive cards.

Remember you are at the beginning of your journey in Postcrossing, you can’t be expected to have a large number of different kinds of cards to send out. What people ask for are only wishes - you are NOT required to fulfill these wishes.

You need to spend some time figuring out what kind of cards you would like to send around the world.

It will take you months or years to build up a collection of cards to send, so don’t worry so much about what you can send now. What kind of cards do you like? What images do you like or move you? or represent you to others or that share info about your country?

Many of us don’t do series cards & we do just fine. I decided I wanted to send view cards of all kinds of Canada & I’ve had a lot of fun finding unusual cards or getting cards made from images I have found to use.

And as others have said, what you write on a card is equally or more important than the image. Good luck & enjoy!


Supposedly “cheap” viewcards are fine. I personally only get postcards when they are on sale and I don’t expect other people to break the bank sending anything to me either. Just recently, I was able to get some postcards of a local town because they were handing them out for free when they were holding an antique fair. I still think a postcard is fantastic if the sender has put thought into writing me an interesting message.


Nooo I love them :heart_eyes:


These viewcards are great.
They even have the name of the town written on the front. Perfect for a lot of Postcrossers here.


I do enjoy high quality illustrations, but I LOVE viewcards, especially if they are from place of origin with corresponding country code and stamp. I mostly have viewcards in my collection, but try to match to the profile when sending out.


I love those cards.
But for me its the writing that I enjoy, reading other people’s thoughts :blush:


The Nantucket one is one I regard as interesting. I’d like it.


Hi !
I never went to Malaysia (and will probably never go there, I’m scared of plane), so any card that makes me discover the views matters. For me the image is more important than the quality (I appreciate a good quality card, but it’s not the main thing for me).
With the picture I discover other countries, cultures, animals, anecdotes…
Don’t worry about the “cheap/expensive” part. A cheap card might be more interesting than an expensive one. And… you are the only one who knows how many it cost :wink:

And I LOVE the postcard examples you show us :heart_eyes:

Edit : I was just talking about the picture part of the postcard.


I have no idea why you would consider these postcards cheap.
Tourist viewcards are probably the first thing people think of when they hear the word postcard, so I would guess that most people who sign up on this site expect to receive them.


It’s so funny to read this perspective! I have felt the opposite way because I mostly can find illustration type cards. Most of the time, I see profiles that specifically want tourist cards. I don’t live in a major or exotic city, so I worry folks will be let down when they receive a picture of smallish skyscrapers built in the 1970’s. It is probably not what they expected when they asked for tourist cards, right?? Worst of all, finding tourist cards around here is difficult and can be expensive.

I would love to receive a tourist card from Malaysia, even better with a great message and decorations. I imagine any postcrosser would feel the same! The example cards you posted are lovely and would be a delight to get.


I like tourist cards. Please don’t worry :slight_smile: