Do you buy and hide stamps/ postcards for Future use?

Last year I found stamps celebrating Will and Kate’s (Royal) Wedding, I bought 5c and 10c stamps to make up the value.
I am going to do this with the first issue of King Charles’ stamps- to be used after he dies. I plan on doing this with other commemorative stamp issues.


I buy stamps and hide them from my husband. He NEVER has any. EVER!!!


I had an idea of buying 10, use 9 and keep 1. Keep them in a zip lock bag for 1 year or 2

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I keep 1 stamp from every sheet I order in case of shortages, but mostly in case I receive a profile of someone would really like those particular stamps (personal interest, new stamp collector and stamp design is discontinued, etc…).


Why are you being so rude?

Wait… Charles, is that you? :joy:


When I find postcards I love, I often buy an extra for myself or to save for my grandchildren. That hoard is getting bigger and bigger, so it’s equally possible that I will eventually go through it and use some that I don’t still love as much as others and send them to other PCers for official cards, lotteries, Round Robins and Tags :blush:


As Germany has run out on some of the stamps I liked really fast (like David Bowie or Neuschwanstein Castle), I have started saving a few of my favourite designs either for myself or for profiles and cards where they would be a perfect fit.
Fortunately there is no need to hide them :laughing:


With postcards …no ( I have thousands on hand). With stamps…yes, but only because I do a lot of mail of postcards in envelopes and items from my online store.

I don’t hide anything on purpose - things hide from me on purpose!
The German community already knows the story of a pen that escaped and that it now makes other things magically disappear.


I usually buy stamps from a company which sells a jumble of old stamps. This mix usually contains Christmas stamps too, so I always save those for the festive season.

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I hide mine from my husband too :joy: but because i recently started buying them and I’m not ready yet to admit that I spent so much money on this little sticky papers. :joy:




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David Bowie stamps were back a few weeks ago.

Edit: they’re still available, so are Black Panther and Disney stamps.

I don’t “hide” but I keep some that I think are special,waiting for the right person to send to.
But it happens sometimes with stamps that I finish all the normals and must use one of the “specials” :woman_shrugging:t2: