Discover the world

Good morning every body, hope you feeling good…

My 5 years and half old pearl and I live in the countryside among the vineyards.
My pearl asked me to discover the world and would like to receive postcards to discover the culinary specialties, dances and languages of different countries … She already has French correspondents, she would be delighted to correspond with you and me too!
I sign up today and tomorrow I’ll send our first postcard :slightly_smiling_face:
My pearl would also like to discover the most beautiful beaches in the world.
She has loved being in the water since she was born, we lived by the sea in her early years. We like to walk and discover new places, dance and travel. My pearl loves to paint and invent stories and live her child’s life to play with this curiosity to learn from others among others.
All cards in this perspective of real discovery will make her very happy to place them in turn on his giant planisphere.
Thank you in advance.
Take care.

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i have a card with apsara dancers in cambodia

I send you a PM @Krishna2022