Direct swaps - what's your experience?

I have only had amazing experiences doing private swaps on here. The people on Postcrossing are genuinely very sweet, kind, and generous, and just want to share the love and make someone smile. It has been such a happy place for us both (my 8-y.o. and me). We have also met some truly lovely people with whom we hope to stay in touch.

I have been on the forum for a long time and have done lots of swaps here and had a great time and met so many kind , wonderful , generous and lovely people . :heart:
Unfortunately I have just had a bad experience with a private swap.
I’d swapped with this user before so felt confident in swapping again with them . I sent them some really expensive and rare cards that I can’t get again. There were also some other cards they wanted that I went out of my way to buy especially for them .
There was alot of communication between us until I sent the cards . I sent my photo proof with some questions about other cards they wanted .and just got a :heart: reply . I just sent the cards anyway without waiting for their proof because I trusted them due to the previous communication and swap .
Since then I haven’t heard anything or received anything . I have pmd them and still nothing .
I understand that things happen unexpectedly and life happens and I hope that they are ok and nothing bad has happened that has made them unable to send their cards . But the fact that I got a :heart: reply to my proof message ,in my mind showed that they were still active at the time .
I know doing private swaps is at your own risk but it has made me a lot more cautious . The cards I sent were so hard to get and I know there are a lot of postcrossers who would have loved to have received them so it makes me really upset to think I’v spent alot of my own time and money and sent them to a potential cheater. Now I’d rather just do swaps with people I know but I think that’s also sad and unfair and not giving other people a chance :cry:


I believe what you gave out, you will get twice better the returns.

Don’t worry, you will meet even greater and kinder postcrossers in the future!

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Fair exchange. My own country people I ask do not reply. So taken as no. Becoming disappointment with Antiquia. Eights months no card. A reminder sent…no response as of present

Hi. I’m back to Postcrossing. In my previous Postcrossing season, I had a few issues with direct swaps, but most went really well.


Hello Hernán

Welcome back!

Thank you for the lovely card you sent just before you left last season - I wanted to thank you back then, but you had left.

To stick on topic - most of my direct swaps have gone well. I send photo proof and ask for it as well - so if it goes missing, at least I can know that the item was lost in transit, and not due to dishonesty.

I’ve met some wonderful folks through swaps - off the top of my head, @Steve_Francis and @Queen_of_the_Hounds come to mind :smile:


@Seracker OMG… you remember about me, what great surprising words to read; thank you so much! You’re most welcome, I am so glad you received my postcard. All the best!!!

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