Direct swaps - what's your experience?

Well, before crossing the border cards go through a number of sorting centers, and I think the number is different for different places within a country. For example, I noticed that cards sent to and from Shanghai usually travel faster compared to other parts of China. So, a card from a big city would probably reach you quicker than one sent from a distant settlement in a rural area where a post office is open only one day per week. Besides that, mail can be transported different ways. Maybe you got ones traveled by airmail, while other cards are still traveling by train or sea :wink:

Also, cards can be missent to another country (despite a perfectly correct address written on a card). Usually I get cards from Germany in 2-3 weeks, but I recently received one that traveled over 2 months. It appeared it’d been missent to Poland at first, so it took it some time to get back on track.

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Wow to Poland… maybe mixed up into other cards than, like the postman accidently grabbed two cards at the same time.
Thanks a lot for explaining though!, it really gives me more insight.
I hope the cards will get here soon though.

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Couple of years ago I was doing swap with an Irish postcrosser - the envelope that was sent to me arrived quickly but none of those four envelopes containing cards to them hasn’t been received :frowning: I don’t even understand how, as address was right, postage was correct, there hasn’t been suspensions between our countries at that time… I’ve also sent official cards to Ireland after that and they’ve reached their destinations after normal travel times :face_with_raised_eyebrow: So, it’s pure lottery if cards arrive to you or not.

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This is sad. I never thought there would be people not holding up their part of the bargain.

That’s no fun :frowning: Maybe they got lost in the mail ? I don’t know.

I am not sure yet, i am just worried, because it is taking a long time. Maybe it got lost in the mail i am not sure. Hope not. Hopefully it will be here soon.

How does one do a direct swap, how does one get the address for a direct swap please?



My swap partner is friendly and honest

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You will get a proposal give a note in profile of post crossing

Direct swap means you contact someone and arrange the exchange through private messages. You can contact people here in the forum or on the main site (if you contact people on the main site, make sure they are interested in direct swaps).

I started obtaining Certificates of Posting if someone wants proof since this is official. In the USA it is generally considered legal proof that can be used in a court of law if proof of receipt is not required. If you send at least 3 cards (up to 50) it is 0.58 per card using the manifold certificate #3665 (print out from the USPS website). Do not pay for a single piece certificate as it is almost 2 dollars (unless that is really all you will ever send).
Bonus: the 3665 fee can be paid by sticking stamps to it so you get a neatly hand-cancelled philatelic souvenir to keep!

I believe certificates are free in the UK. Just go to the counter with it filled out in advance.

Do other countries offer this option?

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Singapore has this option as well.
Each item is at a 20¢ cost. One form, one item.
It is also free from the Post Office

Here’s a used one I have


So far I have only had good experiences with direct swap.

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So some aren’t honest?

No, nothing like that here. You only get something when you send tracked mail.

I actually come from the journaling community at IG so I had only seen people feel scammed with what they received or they didn’t. Another issue was lack of proof etc. that made me very cautious about not swapping large amount of stuff etc especially at IG. But once I got introduced to Postcrossing everyone so far has been very kind, and very very sweet. I have received happy mails just because someone wanted to make me smile… I did and so focus on Postcards swapping and everything is talked and shared in PM of the forum. Others who want to swap from the website often send me a msg with their email asking me very graciously if I want to swap or if they are looking something specific. I do reply them asking them to email me instead. And that too has been very nice and sweet and genuine so far. I recently swapped some stationery with another stationery addict person in the forum and we both were clear in sharing the weight pictures as etc as proof. So all was okay.
I have had sent elaborate items as birthday gifts to some of my said penpals initially (sent as a list to send them as what they would like as birthday gifts) only to be later blocked by them after recieving. Not even letting me know if they have recieved or not… for a tracked speed post mail… what can be said after that?! :slightly_smiling_face:


I have only had epicly great experiences with direct swaps. I just started sending a picture of the stamps with the address to show the person i am swapping with. I enjoy sending as much as recieving so i dont worry too much about if i get one in return or not.

Somewhere this is my agenda too, to send more than to receive. Everyone i know is obsessed with collection collection though I understand why they are because of Philatelic importance, but I love to send more and make others happy and that makes me happy. If the swap works good if not it’s okay. I do try to send a proof which is why I ask everyone to email me at the website/msg me here in the forum if not it’s okay, if anyone wants to scam something as little like a postcard, that’s on them. I feel happy by sending them a postcard instead. But thankfully it has never happened with me so far. And I would like that to be maintained haha.


I have had nothing but positive experiences with direct swaps. I personally have not contacted anyone here, on the official site, but I have received multiple requests. We just agree to read each other’s profile and send something from the wish list/hobby/interest.
I did get approached and reached out to people on IG - also great swaps, so far.
Sorry to hear of some of your negative experiences. I have had that happen to me in the pen pal community before.

I’ve successfully swapped with two postcrossers, one from the US and another from Korea!

I’m currently in the process of completing a swap with a lady in Russia. I already received her card but I kind of forgot to mail mine. :woman_facepalming: But I kept open communication with her and she was understanding. I’m having to send my postcard via Germany since the US won’t send mail directly to Russia at this time. I sent a picture of the postcard with her address and stamps on them as proof. I hope she receives my postcard swiftly.

My swap with an Indonesian student living in Korea went very smoothly! We’ve been chatting in PM too.

My swamp with a fellow American down in the state of California was kind of problematic. She received my postcard without a hitch but it took about a month and a half for me to receive her original swap up north in the state of Idaho. None of it was her fault of course.

I kept up communication with her regarding the whole process. She was kind enough to send me another postcard as we feared her envelope might have gotten lost. The funny part was her 2nd attempt arrived in my mailbox a few days before the original swap arrived. Even though they were mailed out over a month apart they both were postmarked a few days apart.

We both were scratching our heads as to what the sorting facility was doing with her mail for over a month. :woman_shrugging: I plan to mail her another postcard as a way to return the favor for sending me another postcard when she wasn’t obligated to.

So far I’ve really enjoyed participating in direct swaps and hope to get my postcards better organized to find more swaps in the future!