Difficult to access from iphone

Hello everyone
From today I can not log in anymore from my cell phone even when I checked tons of times my username and password, the same I’m using here on the computer.
Does anyone have any idea about what might be going on?
Thank you a lot.

Update: the only way I did resolve this was changing the password from the cellphone and put the same password I already had and it worked. :grin: I must have done something wrong but I don’t know what.

Perhaps it’s a problem with the web browser you use on your mobile? I had this problem a few times too - stopping the app manually and restarting it solved the problem, I was able to log in again. (Something about the web cookies? :thinking: )

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Thank you @Cassisia !
I tried changing the password from the cellphone and put the same password I already had and it worked!!! :smiley:
But before that I had tried erasing all the cache from Safari and it didn’t work.

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