Different Chinese stamps with introduction

The special stamps of the Yellow River are created in the form of oil painting and in the form of scattered points. The stamps have nine pictures in succession, presenting a panoramic view of the natural ecology and historical and cultural landscape of the Yellow River basin, and showing the majestic momentum and profound connotation of the Yellow River. The contents of the stamps are as follows: the source of the river, the Jiuqu River crossing the city, the southern part of the Yangtze River, the dome of Hetao, the golden waves of Hukou, the three Jin dynasties around the water, the mountains and the rivers, the water charm of Zhongzhou, and the tranquility of the river. China Post is scheduled to issue a set of 9 special stamps of the Yellow River on August 23, 2015。

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Introduction to stamps

The first picture of the stamp is “Antarctic Scientific Expedition”, which includes “Mount Taishan Station”, “Kunlun Station”, “Zhongshan Station” and “Great Wall Station”, as well as the highest peak in Antarctica, “Vincent Peak”. The second picture is “Arctic Scientific Expedition”, which includes the polar scientific expedition ship “Snow Dragon” and the Arctic scientific expedition station “Mount Huangshan Station”. The stamp image highlights the contrast of blue and orange colors, and the scientific research station and the scientific research ship are like a beautiful scenery, lying across the natural environment of ice and snow in the North and South Poles.

Creative background

There are numerous scientific mysteries buried at the north and south poles of the earth with cold climate. Polar scientific research is an important field for human beings to explore the mysteries of nature and promote human development. The Chinese polar scientific expedition started in the early 1980s, and on November 20, 1984, a team was sent to the Antarctic for the first time, starting to build the first scientific research station. The Great Wall Station, Zhongshan Station, Kunlun Station and Mount Taishan Station were established successively, and the Yellow River Station in the Arctic was completed in 2004. In addition, China also has the “Snow Dragon” ice-breaking research vessel and domestic research base, which has laid a good foundation for China to continue to deepen its polar scientific research. So far, China has successfully organized 30 Antarctic scientific expeditions, 6 Arctic scientific expeditions, and 10 annual Yellow River station expeditions. After years of arduous field scientific investigation, a large number of extremely valuable data, materials and samples have been obtained, and many achievements of great scientific value have been obtained, which have made important contributions to human understanding and exploring the mysteries of the polar region. In its extensive participation in international polar affairs and international cooperation in the polar field, China’s status and influence have been continuously improved, and it is moving forward from a great power in polar exploration to a great power in polar exploration.

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“Astronomical phenomenon” is a special stamp issued on June 21, 2020 by China Post to record the astronomical phenomenon of “annular solar eclipse” passing through China on June 21, 2020. it has a total of 5 stamps with the journal number 2020-15. [1] [2]

The “Astronomical phenomena” stamps are solar eclipses, eclipses, meteor showers, comets, mercury transits, etc., with a total face value of $6.60 and a planned circulation of 8.3 million sets of stamps。


The Great Wall, a great project in ancient China, is a symbol of Chinese history and civilization, with a history of more than 2000 years. Because of its unique historical, artistic and humanistic values, the Great Wall was included in the The World Heritage List as a whole in 1987. The special stamps of the Great Wall issued this time show the natural scenery and cultural landscape along the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty in the form of nine pictures and tickets. The stamps start from Hushan Town, Liaoning Province (the Great Wall of Hushan) in the east, end at Jiayuguan, Gansu Province in the west, and travel from east to west through Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Beijing, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Ningxia and Gansu provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government). The design contents are: Guanshan Canghai, Jiliao Tianqian, Yanzhao Xiongfeng The Jingji Barrier, the Sanjin Pass, the Long River Flying Dragon, the Northern View of the Plateau, the Desert Pass City, and the Silk Road Ancient Road are exquisite and rigorous in some parts, and magnificent in the whole. The artistic expression shows the majesty of the Great Wall and its long history.