Destash Lottery--CLOSED

I have 4 envelopes of 4 cards each that I will send out to 4 lucky USA participants. USA only due to cost and I need to pay for a move! The cards will be randomly selected and sent blank in an envelope. It is the recipients choice to decide what to do with them. By randomly selected, I mean a 6 year old and 11 year old will be putting together packs of cards from a large stack.

I’ll randomly pick from the responses on Monday, November 8 in the evening Pacific Time for the winners.

No need to number yourself, I will count. But please tell me why you want an envelope of randomly themed postcards!


Oh wow how fun and how nice of you !

I’d love to have a new assortment of cards to send out to people !

Thank you !


This is really great.

I have a difficult time getting postcards , I am in a place with little or no tourist, so none of the local stores carry them. Plus, I love to be surprised and it will be great to sorta recycle, I can share with others like you are.

Not sure I’d want a random assortment of cards from just anyone, but you and I have swapped before and I know you have good taste! So a random assortment of cards from you would be a joy, and I would be happy to send you a (different) card when you have your new address as a welcome gift. :slightly_smiling_face: Best of luck with the packing, moving, unpacking, and all the other tasks ahead.

I like random cards because maybe there’s something in there you might not have picked yourself that as it turns out, you really like!

I’d love some random postcards because I’m always looking to expand my collection of cards to send out! There are so many people with so many interests, and I love to find good matches for every person.

Thanks for this lottery!
I would love some randomly themed postcards because it might increase my chances of finding just the right card for someone.

I would love random post cards!

It’s hard to get postcards here where I live. It’s not a tourist town. The only claim to fame we have in my town is the largest mastodon was found while building the reservoir. I’ve only found one place that sells post cards and there isnt much variety there either.

Oh that’s super nice… I’m lacking quite a few categories in my humble collection and I don’t seem to find good stores around me to get them for my official recipients who sometimes have some very unique requests/preferences. So, I’d enjoy the random set of cards.

I’ll be drawing names at 8pm tonight (cuz I won’t be home from work to continue with the 4 theme…but it is November 8)

@reptilequeen @anon43708176 @TwasBrillig @pammykay

The picker wheel picked you! Please pm me your address and I’ll send out your random assortment. They’ve been sealed in envelopes so I don’t even know what you will be getting. :grinning: :crazy_face: My kids had too much fun.


Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Address removed by the Administrator. Please use the private email system to exchange addresses.

Cards will be mailed out tomorrow, Wednesday (darn teenager and a 7am class doesn’t allow for much staying up late or getting things done in the morning before work!)

And now I have more room for souvenir shopping this weekend (shhhh! don’t tell my partner; she thinks I was simply destashing a bit for the move so everything would fit in my binders)

Hi @scoutingbear - the envelope arrived today. Tell your kids they did an excellent job! Some fun cards - thanks! And you may possibly see some of them show up in the Forum!

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Glad you enjoyed them! I have no idea what was sent out to anyone! I was handed sealed envelopes to address. It was lots of fun and I’ll have to host another one in a couple months.

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