[deleted to close the discussion, thank you very much for everyone’s participation]

I feel you. I was inactive for quite some time as we moved to a different city and I´ve just picked up Postcrossing again. Even with 10 slots, it feels very slow at the beginning. Although at least 4 official cards should be on the way to me now, none has arrived so far. And 6 of my 10 slots are occupied for 20 days already and they might need some more days… so I understand, it might be a bit frustrating right now for you, too.

But here is the positive note: I still remember the great feeling of receiving my first postcards. There were some really nice cards, stamps and/or messages. Some of them are still displayed in our new flat to bring microdoses of joy every day. So just hang in there, stay engaged and I´m sure you will soon have some positive moments doing Postcrossing.
In the meantime, you could look for other ways to exchange cards, RRs and Tags in the forum for example to get more “immediate results”. Some of my nicest cards I recieved via Tags, so I picked this up as well, again.


Do you send to your own country?
This might speed up things, too.

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I send all over. Should I change that?

In my experience, here are the average travel times I’ve encountered:

USA domestic cards take between 3 and 7 days

Canada between 7 - 10 days

Most of Europe, Japan and Hong Kong allow two weeks. Other places allow 30 days.

There is also the factor of how soon the cards are registered upon arrival. Travel plans, illnesses, etc. play a part in that.


One that I sent to New York is almost at 30 days traveling

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Oh okay. Then you send to your own country. And only have some bad luck.
:wind_face: May your cards arrive soon!

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I think it’s pretty normal to have up and downs with every hobby or work. I’m with postcrossing since 2014 but who knows if I will do it for another 10 years. And why? We all change in life, we change home, we change work, we even change friends (though losing a friend by tragedy is worst, my condolence), so why not change hobbies?

But time heals, I know myself in the meantime. And if postcrossing is just not the right thing for the time being, let it be. You will find out if it will make you happy in future again or if by coincidence you will stumble across a new activity. Just don’t let yourself drown, keep your head up and remember all the positive and great time you and your friend had together in the past. Future has altered but it’s bright, you just need to keep looking for it. In this sense: all the best to you!


Sent you a PM with an idea

Hello! Sending you lots of love for the loss of your dear friend. Grief is a wild ride. I appreciate how postcrossing is here in whatever way works best for us. I have taken breaks, sent more at times, sent less…. I always find pleasure in the gems I find in my mailbox. The act of sending cards while also pleasurable comes with extra layers… especially when in a small apartment, and also when having a lot of postcrossing stuff!!! I think it’s good to do some breathing and see what makes the most sense for you in that moment. And just that- take it moment by moment. If it makes sense to pack things away for a little bit that’s ok. Just see how things feel. Take good care!

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I have always loved postcrossing but lately, the last few months, I only ask a few addresses per month. The main reason are the expired postcards. I have an abnormal amount of expired postcards, especially to Russia, Belarus, Ukrain and China. And when I do draw addresses and always get these countries again, it’s very frustrating knowing that my postcards have a very very high chance of not arriving. Stamps in Belgium are also really expensive. And lately I also had some profiles in Germany and the US of postcrossers who haven’t been oneline for over a month. All this is very discouraging and took away the joy of postcrossing. I really hope this hobby will give me pleasure in the future again.


My recommendation is to check out the countless round robins and tags here in the forum. I’ve sent and received over 400 cards since May through the forums.

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You don’t (or shouldn’t) get address to such member, as the account is turned inactive when the person isn’t online for 30 days.

They were online at the time I got the address, and then never returned online again.


Oh ok, my mistake.
Yes sadly you never know who doesn’t come online.
Ans sometimes they do come back even after long time not online.

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I’ve been feeling down about Postcrossing for a number of reasons:

  • receiving a positive hurray message about the postcard only to have the image deleted without any reason or explanation

  • requesting addresses to the usual popular destinations

  • having to navigate profiles that supposedly welcome any postcard, but at the same time refuse or politely decline certain designs and subjects

A previous poster talked about taking a hiatus from Postcrossing. Frankly, a break sounds good.


I do love PostCrossing, but I feel down about it sometimes too!

  • I hate how every time I send a postcard, it is always to the same country, and I just five postcards to that same country a week ago.
  • I don’t like it how people are very picky about the postcards they want.
  • People ask for me for postcards from my city, or region and where I live but here we either don’t sell those postcards, or don’t sell postcards at all.

My interest has been fading for awhile now…mostly due to being busy with work and the high postage costs. I have plenty of cards on hand so need to move them along before I retire from here. May try to get more enthused, but after so many years I think I have enjoyed it all as much as I could


A couple of times. Rising cost of postage in Australia is becoming a challenge. Also the time it takes to send and receive seems to be inconsistent, given how much the head of Australia Post is paid the service should be much better.


Could you message me about this too, please? :slight_smile:

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Will message you now about the site :slight_smile: