
Not sure if this is already a topic and I apologise to the moderators if it is, sorry guys!

Has anyone noticed an increase in delays? I have three postcards travelling for 40+ days to locations that normally take 1-2 weeks. Two expired as well (although one was to China and I know there’s a postal problem there). Also, I did an unofficial swap with somebody and neither card has arrived to either recipient.

Is this just a general period of unluckiness for me, or is anyone else in the UK/RI noticing this?

Rose x


Our postal services everywhere have definitely been slower the last few months for sure.

Postal workers off with Covid, fewer airline flights, extreme weather events, postal service rerouted or stopped because of war etc - there’s lots going on in the world to affect our mail right now.


If you chose stamps from Universal Mail, this may be the reason for delays, for thei shipment takes longer than Royal Mail.

Mine are fine, the only ones that have started taking longer are Russia (was about 2 weeks now closer to a month) and China. Everything else seems to be pretty normal.


I’ve only used the Universal Mail stamps for ones in an envelope, where they’ve then had Royal Mail stamps on the actual envelope itself. I did expect that stamp brand to take longer, yes, but thank you for clarifying!

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The cards that are in transit are all to European countries particularly close to Russia, so I wonder if that could be it. Maybe normally, they’d travel through Russia and then double back or something. I didn’t even think of that actually.

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Hi! I’ve had a lot of my cards with long delays , for some reason a lot of my July posted cards just haven’t got through and have expired and I have no idea why. Plus the post seems to be taking a lot longer across the board - I’ve had one arrive in Indonesia which took 77 days, fair enough, but also three expired from Germany :woman_shrugging:… doesn’t really make sense… vagaries of the postal system I guess :smirk:

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Oh dear, what a pity. :neutral_face:
I have recently had some problems with mail within Germany: delays and detours. :slightly_frowning_face:

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I’ve noticed some delays sending to mainland Europe - I used to expect 4-10 days but now it seems to be two weeks at minimum (and I’ve had a couple of cards to Germany expire :slightly_frowning_face:). But I recently did some swaps and got cards delivered to AND from Japan and Singapore in 8 days! In a way it would be easier if the delays were consistent …at least I’d know what to expect.


Exactly the same, 3-4 weeks regularly now for cards to Germany, with several to active users expired. And yet the far east has this summer been very quick - 7 days each to Thailand and India! There’s no consistency.