December 17, 2022 - The 3th POSTCROSSING meet up in Tianjin Panda Meetups

:world_map: CITY: TIANJIN
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Tianjin Minyuan Damei milk tea
:calendar: DATE: December 17, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:00AM-12:AM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Writing Postcard,meetup discussion


Hello! Your cards are lovely, I’d like to swap for your rabbits card! I can offer meetup and Moscow cards, please dm me if interested!

What a variety of cards! SUPER!!
I’d really love to swap for this card

Can offer the meet-up card from Vitebsk

do you have this Moomin card?


hello. id like to swap!

Can i see your offer?

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Hello, looking for an exchange! Link to my exchanger

Sorry, I don’t have this one =(

I will be glad to exchange ))

If the links do not open, then here are some postcards from my exchangers. There are many postcards from meetings in Stavropol.

6yMvAU5s8Wk Sj5AHkmvz5Y GOpqez39V7Y dX7-vKwQVIc n3o_lV-OLvY YqgSIKxC5z8 2h6qZNS-QDE 3KdBWSIellA dWhgJl4YA9E aTdqYRqZ5vM sBGuTC18qGA pM95m-PAr_4 rdtSLiS40jg

Hello everyone! I would like to find an exchange for all rabbits and cities with inscriptions :slight_smile:
I offer a link to my exchanger - Обмен_SWAP — Яндекс.Диск
I will wait for messages!
Thank you!

你好,我也是天津的 请问还可以加入吗?这次的明信片还可以报数吗?

Looking for swap, here is my offers - Общий обменник – 998 Bilder | VK Встречные на обмен – 29 Bilder | VK. HP - Гарри Поттер на обмен – 198 Bilder | VK