Date & weather info

I do it but I post in F and C for temps.

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I don’t know, but I have received it on 3 of the cards I received so I’m going to start doing it.

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The text on a postcard is the most important thing for me, but:

Personally, I find the weather info very interesting, as I have always been interested in meteorology.

The date helps me to sort the cards into my collection and I sometimes find it a pity when it’s missing and you cannot read the postmark.

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When I had a lot of penpals in my youth, with some of them I used to have a proper header with date, time, place (meaning not the town, but e.g. “at the desk” or “on the balcony”), weather, mood and current music. And just in general, writing the place and the date at the top of a letter was just normal for me, nothing I ever even thought twice about. However, a postcard is not a letter and those rules never applied to one as far as I was concerned. For years and years I have only included the date (and the weather) when the profile asked for it. I myself don’t pay much attention to this information on the cards I receive. And so many profiles say “don’t forget to include the date” and I’ll admit this bugs me, because I don’t forget, I simply don’t do it. Or I didn’t …

Aaanyway, as weather and date seem to be so important to so many people, I am trying to get into the habit of including them. I don’t think space is an issue, sometimes it can even be nice to have less space for a message when I can’t think of things to write to someone. :wink: In such cases I have occasionally also tried to start the card with a “header” like the letters of my youth, it gives me a nice nostalgic feeling. But mostly date and weather will have to do. I often squeeze them in above publisher’s information or next to the ID on the top - these aren’t places I usually write in, so I can easily spare them for something else.

My town is usually part of my message (greetings from…), so I don’t write that down again. Within Europe I will write the date as I normally would, to other places I write the month out or abbreviate it - that should be enough for clarity. And to the US I usually write the temperature both in °C and in °F - I figure it might be interesting and it really is no big deal to convert the numbers.

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I also always write the date and the weather. Usually with a little sunshine or a cloud, depending of course on the weather. I also love to see what weather other people are having when they are sending a card to me

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