Currently hard to get address from Indonesia

Hello Admin, about a week ago, we, Indonesian postcrosser, started to have problem to get address to send official address. Its harder than before.

We already tick send to same country and also send and received to and from my own country.

Sometimes i can got the address but after that i can’t get the address.

We have to tried several times before we can get the address.

We know about the situation now and We already asked Pos Indonesia to open to more country a few days ago when this problem occurred.
The person in charged said currenly not possible and hopefully in the future.

Thank you


I got the same problem too and its hard to get the address.
Many of my friend states the same problem

It’s very hard when your postal service stops receiving or delivering mail to 240 countries according to the Postal Monitor.

Hang in there & be patient - the Omicron wave is affecting many, many countries as well.



Yes i knew :smile:
Before Jan 7th, 2022, i can easily get address even with only 8 country available.
I easily got 11 address at Jan 1, 2022.
So i thought @paulo can do something please?

Thank you

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That’s really unfortunate. If any Indonesians are interested to swap cards with a Malaysian, I’m can swap you :blush: any card will do, just include some details about your day ^-^

When you’re in the mood to write postcard, and can not get the addresses. It feels baad.

Please do something with it.

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Postcrossing is aware of the restrictions on mail from Indonesia.

The reason you were unable to get an address in your country was because no members in the 7 countries allowed by your Post Office were eligible to receive a postcard.

We suggest you try again later and hopefully a member becomes available to receive from those limited countries.

Postcrossing Team


Like what? Suggestions welcome.


Hello fellow Indonesians, yes I’ve experienced the same. The system suggested me to enable repeated countries option.

I believe I got the same message too

But after enabling the repeated country option and wait a while, the system got me addresses. Only to USA

(since it’s one of the big 5 postcrossing country where we can send our official cards to).

Maybe there’s time factor when to draw as well. Try intervals between drawing addresses. Draw-write-draw-write. Or maybe request addresses at night, works the best for me

Hope this help


Yes, we knew about this too.
The best time for actually at 7 am
Of course i tried patiently again and again.
It just wierd that this problem suddenly occures start from Jan 7th 2022.

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Ah I see, thanks for the information. I experienced this issue when I drew on 13th. The one I drew on 3rd had no issue, but maybe that’s because I only drew one address.

Hopefully there will be explaination about this, whether something is happening or it’s just simply there aren’t addresses available for us

Unfortunately there’s so much we can do when the majority of the destinations are not working from Indonesia. :slightly_frowning_face:

While enabling the options to exchange with your own country and to allow more repetitions, there are other factors that still make it hard to find possible matches.

For example, the number of postcards a person is already expecting from Indonesia as the algorithm also tries to diversify that (ie, not just destinations) so that postcards don’t come mostly from the same country. Also, we try to spread out (to the extent possible) when an account is selected so that postcards don’t come in big batches. This and other factors makes it hard to find a match, but when ~85% of the possible destinations are suspended from Indonesia, that makes it almost impossible.

We’ll keep looking for ways to tweak the parameters we have to find matches, but there’s so much we can do without making the experience worse for someone. :worried:


Thank you @paulo @Mundoo for your explanation. We will try to keep try because we love postcrossing.

Thanks friends for the discussion


I have no idea, I’m sorry

Uh-oh! There seems to be a problem with your account…

Please take the time to reply Postcrossing’s emails regarding your accounts.

Hello admins…
Why is there this post since a week ago and I can’t get the address? Even though I have registered postcards for all who come.
I see those who received and sent are not balanced can smoothly take (request) the address, why can’t I?
Please enlighten.
Regards Irene

My best suggestion is to answer the emails. There might be things going on that @paulo and the team can’t answer publicly.


Now …
I just got request address again.
Thank you admin

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Hello Admins,

On August 2021 I’ve visited the local post office, and got about 9 postcard, and I have registered it all.
What do I need to do again so that my account can get an address and send postcards again? Because until now i can’t request the address.
I see those who received and sent are not balanced can smoothly take (request) the address, why can’t I?


Have you read the posts above?

Because Indonesia currently does not send mail to 240 countries (see the Postal Monitor) it happens that there are no eligible addresses for you to request.

Sad situation, but all you can do is keep trying.

Dear Astri @astrii
I can’t help you with the official account. Sorry.
But if you want to send postcards and receive postcards also, you can do it here in the forum. You can participate in the tags, just make sure you tag someone from a country in which you can send a postcard to. And also give a friendly note that you can only send to several countries (and write them down). Postcrossers from other countries will read it before they tagged you, so they would know whether you can send a card to them or not.
Some other Indonesian postcrossers do this. :blush:

Halo Astri,
Sayang bgt dgn keterbatasan pengiriman dr Pos Indonesia, jd susah dpt alamat. Coba ikutan di berbagai tag yg ada di forum. Asik loh :smiley: Pastikan saja kamu tag org yg bisa kirim ke kamu atau bs kamu kirimi (tgt jenis tag). Juga kasih pesan singkat kl Indonesia cm bs krm ke negara a,b,c,d. Ini dilakukan oleh Postcrossers Indonesia lainnya, yg jg aktif di forum.
Semoga membantu ya :wink: