Create Some Postcards With Me!

Hello All You Creative Souls! :sparkles::star:

I’m not sure if this has been done but I need some help from my fellow postcrossers! I would love to create some digital postcard designs based on your comments! This could be a detailed description, or a vague prompt! How does this work?

Step 1: You comment your idea! :writing_hand:

Step 2: I draw out the postcard! :crayon::art:

Step 3: I post your drawn design for anyone to download and print at their local print shop! :earth_americas::mailbox::love_letter:

I thought this would be a fun idea for us to create a postcard together as a community! What are your thoughts? Lets make some postcards! :art::paintbrush::framed_picture:

Who is this post for? Creative souls! Maybe you can’t draw a straight line but have some awesome ideas! Share them with me and I’ll do my best to make it a reality! :sparkles::butterfly:


Create a postcard with your own / imagined Postcrossing stamp design.
I would love to receive that card.

Best regards

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Create a card which won´t get expired, please :slight_smile:
Thank you!


Play this song:
:musical_note:M83- Us and The Rest
:syringe:Draw what comes to your mind while listening :sparkles:


Please, please draw a greyhound (whippet) who is a postman delivering “happy mail letters or postcards” in his hometown. Only greyhounds are living there. Everything is colourful in this area. :blush:


Maybe… hm… people smiling and happy. Let your imagination run free!

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What a wonderful idea :star_struck: Thank you so much :pray: My situation comes to my mind …

… please draw a short haired woman lieing in her bed, smiling, with postcards in her hands, connected to wonderful people in the world :blush:


May you draw a WPDay design for Türkiye/Turkey? I would be super happy to print and send your design :blush:


Well, i already made some postcards through fiverr, but sure, we can give it a try.
What would be your main style? Even if you’re good a drawings, there are things that you can do better or like more.
Do you prefer me to give the description on here or as personal message?

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I see some animals/critters people tend to not like: slugs, spiders, snakes, ticks, mosquitos… and all show their love to postcards… Like a mosquito trying to bite a person on a postcard, a spider building her web at/in a postbox to catch postcards with insekts, a snake curling up around a postcard with a mouse or a slug chewing on a salat themed postcard… ants carring away postcards with nuts (at least my ants love anykind of nuts.) a hyena chewing or drooling on a postcard with a fresh red steak… the ideas roam free so many possibilities…


Well … here’s a thought from someone who does not draw very well –
instead of the stereotypical grandparent reading a book to a child, or showing a child how to cook, or taking a child to the park, how about the grandparent (like me, with purple and blue streaks in long grey hair; purple Nana) teaching the grandchild how to select a postcard, how to draw on or write postcards, how to address them, where to place the stamp, and how to mail them at the postbox, with a final scene of the recipient receiving the card (maybe go all Christmas, and have the postcard travel to Santa, OR, have the postcard travel to the child’s favourite stuffy?) A bit of a multi-scened image. Or a series of cards. So many of us are grandparents, and it’s not easy finding a multi-generational card. :older_woman:


A coven of witches worshiping an avocado tree please.


Amazing, you’re so generous and thank you for sharing your art skills with everyone:)
I am not able to print the cards but I would like to see how you visualise star wars on a 4x6 Postcard , would definitely like to see what details you add, you’ll definitely love it:)

Have fun :art:


Thank you @Oceanfun for the great Postcard design! Super fun and simple to draw! :relaxed::art: I hope to print this soon and send to a special Postcrosser! Happy happy Postcrossing! :snail: :email: :sparkles:

-Shiar :maple_leaf:


Hmm what an interesting concept! Something that doesn’t expire? At first I thought of vampires! They definitely don’t expire :rofl: But what else doesn’t expire? Honey!! And I love bees more than vampires :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I see on your profile that you are also a botanical lover and lover of insects! I hope you enjoy this illustration based on your comment! Thank you so much for the wonderful idea :honeybee: :yellow_heart:

-Shiar :maple_leaf:


Thank you, Honey! How sweet of You :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

But seriously speeking bees are in danger to desappear if we take them for granted.
This awesome card of yours is a good reminder of the situation: bees need flowers! :sunflower:
They among the other insects need clean poisonfree enviroment!
Would be(e) a perfect image in a campaign as cards and posters :slight_smile:

I love your way of thinking :heart:
Keep up the good work!
And thank you once again :butterfly:


It’s beautiful!!!


It’s really amazing :star_struck:
The post office was attacked by an army with postal barcodes on their uniforms. And the stamps defend it with different appearances. (maybe by throwing a postcard) :sweat_smile:


I love the bee card!!



Thank you for sharing that song! I got the best feeling of nostalgia ever! When I was a kid I would stay up all night just to feel the cool air in the morning and share the last remaining moments I had with the stars. Kind of a relaxing comfy moment I had all to myself. Listening to that song transported me back in time! Here’s what I drew while listening to it. Thank you so much for you comment! :star: :sparkles:

-Shiar :maple_leaf: