Countries where (some of the) post offices are open on Saturday / Sunday

As @MailboxMagic has mentioned, the Post Office is separate to Royal Mail, some Post Offices are run by Lincolnshire Coop here in my area and they are open Saturday from 9 am till usually 12:30 or 13:00, depending on the post office…

Not sure about Wales or Scotland, or even Northern Ireland, but then if you Google Post offices in the area, you’ll find them all…

There is also a thing called a SUB Post Office, which is just a small counter part of a local shop set up and some will operate on a Sunday, this just depends on a staff member being there to do this…

All the best.


Hello Ed –

Are those ‘Post Offices’ (in your area at least) or SUB Post Offices allowed to postmark a qualified item with a date stamp bearing the date and the location of the cancellation?

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In Australia some post offices (maybe around 2/3) are open half days on saturday. Very few are open on Sundays

Saturday is only half day in India.




in Finland, some post offices are open Saturday and sunday, though mostly post offices do not exist as such but there are counters at local super markets. These are normally open during the weekend, too.

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Hi yes, some of them will, but sadly now MOST will just put your item in a postal bag that then goes off to a sorting office… Often I have to ask my local post office to cancel the stamp and they do…

Otherwise Royal Mail will cancel it when it goes through the system…

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In Germany most post offices and postal outlets in sores are open on Saturday, but for a significantly shorter time - half day (only morning) is probably a good description.

Very few post offices are open on Sunday, e.g. in large train stations or airports. Even shops that have a postal counter and are open on Sunday in most cases to not operate that postal counter on Sunday.

Note that for postal counters in stores the opening hours of the store/shop often are significantly longer than the opening hours of the postal counter.

Also note that a post office or store that is open on Sunday is not necessarily open on a public holiday.

German Post has on online Location Finder. To find post offices and postal counters in stores, check both “Postal retail outlet” and “Poststation”. Then click on “Filter” next to the field where you can enter the city or zip code, scroll down, select Sunday at the end (or Tomorrow if it’s Saturday or Today if Sunday) and for “after” select an early hour. Problem: Only times after the current German time are offered, so to get information on Sunday opening, which are usually in the morning, you need to do your research in the morning German time.

Cancellation in the post office: Every post office and postal counter in a store has a cancellation stamp. However I’m sometimes having issues getting them, especially in store postal counters. Some claim they are not allowed to cancel letters and postcards (which is not true), some will say the stamp’s date can no longer be set (usually they either don’t clean it regularly or don’t know how to properly set the date, I’ve fixed several such “broken” stamps right in front of their eyes…). Note that all mail goes into central processing centers (Briefzentrum), mail is usually cancelled there by machine. If you get your postcard/letter cancelled in a post office, you need to ask the clerk to put it into a box with an “already cancelled mail” label (and hope they actually do it, usually they label all their boxes with “uncancelled mail”), otherwise your nicely cancelled mail will get an additional machine cancellation.


In Egypt (as in the majority of muslim countries) it is open on Sunday (but not on Friday)


Your mention for the UK:

UK (concessionaire post offices inside stores)

Under Saturdays can be added to Sundays also.

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:hong_kong: Hong Kong:

Except the General Post Office as below,

all other post offices - Half day on Saturday & Closed on Sunday


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In Italy most post offices will be open on Saturday mornings. As far as I know they are closed on Sundays. The smaller post offices might be closed also on week day afternoons.

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Many post office in Thailand open on Saturday, Sunday and some holiday. But NOT ALL of post offices open on weekend or holiday. (Please check the latest information from Thailand Post website.)
But some post office which is located in government office closes on weekend and government holiday.

As far as I know, the post office in Thailand which opens 24 hours a day are Bangkok EMS Mail Center Post Office (10020) in Bangkok and Suvarnrbhumi Airport Post Office (10543) in Samut Prakan.

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The Netherlands had a postnl open on Sundays that was inside a grocery store

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In the USA, I recently found out that if there is a post office inside of a store, any day the store is open, the post office is supposed to be open (at least in Arizona- it may differ in other states.) For example, there is a post office inside of a Hallmark store ( card and gift store) and they are open Saturday and Sunday.

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That’s right. Here in :chile: Chile most post offices (specially the main offices at every city) are open on Saturdays, 9:00-9:30 thru 13:00. On Sundays all offices are closed.


My local contract station here in Florida does not handle any USPS business on legal holidays when that Pack N Ship store is open for retail operations and UPS transactions.

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Hello my friend,

China Post has many postal offices that operate on Saturdays/Sundays. There is one in each of the towns where I live. If you need some help, just let me know, it would be my honor. (^ ▽ ^)

:ukraine: May Ukraine restore peace as soon as possible​:ukraine: