Countdown to 10 million laps around the world!


[Edit: It doesn’t seem to show above clearly that this was originally @reiselustig’s suggestion, not mine. Just wanted to make that clear. :smiling_face: I posted the thread because I thought it was an excellent idea!)


At 3:00 UTC: 9.648.011 laps


Tagging in @greenskull! :grin:

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Don’t know if I used the right calculation at the moment, maybe I’m too (early summer) sun-dazed.

Anyway, I go with

20:24 UTC


What are the laps around the world?
Where can I see the current status of these laps?

PS I see. Ok.

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Wild guess because I really have no idea! :grin:

15 September 2024, 5.00 pm, British Summer Time :woman_shrugging:t3::smile:


We will have completed 10 mio laps when 78,766,975 postcards have been registered.
And this number of postcards will be registered around 22.10.24 Tue 03:15 (UTC).


I have no idea at all, but since in October we will have world postcard day, I guess many of the postcards will be registered in the same month…
So my guess is: 18.10.24 maybe at 18:10! :grin:
Actually I have no clue at all :sweat_smile:
Thanks a lot to @TeaCakesAndBooks for opening the topic!
I wonder what @Florallle says about it, since she is so good at guessing!?


I’m guessing
15 October 2024, 7:08 pm :crazy_face:


Uh! This is a wild one! Nice idea!
I will go for 19th October - 5:34pm


I might have to change my guess then! :smile:

Here’s a bit data about distances postcards travel from the 2023 review.

I only can make a wild guess, solving this mathematically is to complicated for me. :laughing: So, I go for 2nd November 2024.


I think I am going to go with 25 October 2024, 7.34 pm, British Summer Time. Predictive maths is way beyond me too, so I will stick to wild guessing around @greenskull’s clever ground work that is way beyond my understanding! :laughing:


has it happened yet???

Hi @WatermelonCat - No, not yet. :slightly_smiling_face: According to @greenskull’s amazing powers of prediction and spreadsheets :star_struck:, it’s going to happen around the last-ish week of October 2024.

Today at 7:53 am BST, it was this:


About 10,000 laps around the world in five days.


This is, of course, too far for this topic to be any active.
In my opinion, we are lucky that the millionth levels happen about once every 2.5 months.
During this time, the countdown topic goes through three active phases:

  • first sighting predictions (first 2-3 weeks)
  • adjustment of forecasts (about halfway or 5-6th weeks from the start, when it becomes obvious which predictions are too far from the coveted bull’s eye)
  • an attempt to catch up with the departing train, when the cherished date is already more or less clear (last 2-3 weeks or 7-8th weeks from the start)

I’ll give you a hint on how to count 10 mio laps :slight_smile:
If you go through the previous countdowns, you will find a large number of screenshots like this one, where you can clearly see what level of registered postcards corresponds to the number of laps around the world.
Based on this correspondence, it is easy to construct a curve connecting one to the other and determine at what level of registered postcards 10 million laps will be completed.

Well, figuring out when 78+ mio postcards will be registered is a task that is understandable and familiar to everyone. This problem is not much different from the one that each participant solves in our countdowns, with the only difference being that the prediction distance is approximately twice as long.


Approximately 10,000 laps in 6 days :thinking::face_with_monocle::grin:


I did reply a couple of days ago, but I’ve just realised my reply got lost when the forum threw a wobbly on Wednesday.

I shall choose 20th October at 2010 UTC. But really, I haven’t the slightest idea.


It means that the cherished level comes in
((10,000,000 - 9,668,954) / 10,000) * 6 = 198.63 days.

Apr 19, 2024 + 198.63 = Nov 3, 2024.

The date is not too far from my prediction:

The difference is just 12 days.