Cool facts about Postcrossing!

Of the top 20 Postcrossers (by number of cards), 13 are from Germany. Tied for 2nd place are Finland and Ireland, which each have two in the top 20.

The Top Postcrosser has sent over 38,000 cards since 2007.

Of the top 20 Postcrossers within the past two months, 12 are from the USA. Getting those cards out there before the postal rate increase!

Of the top 20 Postcrossers by distance of cards sent, 9 are from Australia or New Zealand. The top Postcrosser by distance has send cards travelling a total of 250 million kms (155 million miles)

We have 805,224 registered members in 207 different countries. Russia leads the way in members with 14%, followed by Taiwan and the USA.

Germany has been adding new members faster than anyone else; one quarter of all the new members in the past month come from Germany.

Postcrossing’s servers are hosted in a carbon-neutral data center and only use energy from renewable sources. Postcrossing administrators and volunteers have planted and helped maintain a forest of over 5000 trees in Portugal to help reduce our hobby’s carbon footprint on the planet.

Isn’t this a great hobby? :heart_eyes:


It absolutely IS!!! :heartpulse:


Thank you for all the information. I especially liked to learn that the data centre is carbon neutral :green_heart:


Wow thats is amazing. Didnt know that. Thanks for Sharing


@TwasBrillig - Thanks for the heads up on postage! We just had an increase so I wasn’t expecting another so soon. As Wilma Flinstone would say “Charge it!”