Collecting hotel postcards

What an interesting subject for collection!.. I do not collect hotel postcards but have some blank cards from Hotel Metropol in Moscow, I was their frequent guest in 2013 and got some cards. Let me know if you are interested and I’ll be happy to send one to you from the Netherlands.


Recently, I had another US Postcrosser say she collects cards of hotel lobbies. I happened to have a random one I bought at a flea market, so I sent it to her. It turned out she worked in the hotel 20 or 30 years ago.

The same week, a German Postcrosser asked for cards that showed old American cars. This one, with a motel, was the best I could do.


And another US Postcrosser wanted “older cards” so I sent this one from the 1960s or 70s which is a hotel



@jennyjennyjenn I am so happy you love it and found some information on it! :orange_heart:

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I love hotel cards and collect them so I am happy to get others interested in the genre. Here is another official card I had sent:


This is the Hankyu International Hotel in Osaka and I sent the card while we stayed there. These cards are still fairly common in Japan and in the case of many more modern hotels they are very sleekly designed, like this one.

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I once got some postcards from Shanghai Disneyland Hotel. :smiling_face_with_tear:But I lost them somewhere in my room…

Here is a postcard from a very famous hotel:

I used to stay there until their rates went way too high.