[CLOSED with Thanks] Greetings from Japan - I am offering a Japanese New Year card of Tiger

Hello from Japan!

Would anyone like to receive this Japanese New Year postcard from Japan, either stamped and written or written/ blank in an envelope?

I can swap with 18 people.

In return, I would like to ask you to send a card of either view, cultural or traditional for my dear friend who nearly has no cards from Indonesia. He also collects stamps, so it would be wonderful if you could send a card blank / unwritten in an envelope for him.

If you can swap, please post under this thread and tell me how you would like to receive the card from me (stamped and written or not), so I can keep track of our swap and can get back to you.

Thank you, all :slight_smile:
Wishing you more happy mails!

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swap from indonesia

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Thank you! Message sent :slight_smile:

@clubpostcards please message me your friend’s address. I’ll send him a card

(You don’t have to send me anything in return) :blush:

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Hi, thank you! You can send me a card to my address instead of his address. And I still want to send you this new year card from Japan for you or your loved ones :slight_smile: Sending you a private message now.

@clubpostcards hello, let’s swap postcard^^ i would love to send one for you and your friend, also i’m okay with stamped & written postcard~ let’s message each other^^

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Hi! Thank you! Message sent :slight_smile:

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