Closed.with appreciation Canadian Obsession- butter tart

Thanks so much for your help …I somehow tried to add a note and somehow lost all my text…that was odd…well a warm thanks for all of your feedback it was very generous and kind…


They look delicious!!

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Everyone makes them their own, and I suppose because I had a wonderful Nanny (grandemère) we used to make these a few times a year and they never lasted under their glass dome… this is my absolute fav recipe

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Overall it makes me want to try the recipe!

But I would reduce the words and increase the size of the tart picture - using either one, and have that as the front of the card. The image in the middle is distracting and makes the rest a bit hard to read.

So appreciate your note that was so kind of you …I am always overwhelmed by our lovely members assistance….so thanks a heap.

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I love recipe postcards and yours looks yummy!

Maybe have the one side be the How to and the ingredients plus the images you have. Then the writing side can have the blurb about Mdm Samm’s Kitchen in small font. That way you can still have room to add the stamp, outgoing address and a personal message to the recipient.

You suggestions are wonderful thank you so much. How nice of you to share