Closed - Which photos would make good postcards?

The house in the snow is generally unpopular

Yours is definitely better!

No, it’s just different !
The snow will stay - I guess, it will here at least - in the days to come. Maybe you and your camera can catch some more treasures !!!

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I love rapsfeld, red house, all animals, green pics. Not so fussed about the art…but pictures are very subjective and everybody’s tastes are different. Looks like you are a great photographer!! :grinning::+1:t3::green_heart:


Ow, sorry. Translated. My English is not very well. I liked this housed

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All photos are awesome :slight_smile: I think you should print it. :slight_smile:

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I actually love all of them, but my personal favourites are the squirrel and the decorated housewall ones. This series can actually fulfil a variety of themes commonly requested by Postcrossers (e.g. mailbox/postal-related, animals, scenery).

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Thank you for asking our opinion!

I think your photos would make great cards, they are just so beautiful.

My favorite ones are the red roofs, the bird and the squirrel, the “wooden” owl (I’ve encountered so many people requesting owls), the yellow postbox and the red house in the snow - its contrasting colors are so appealing to the eye, nonetheless the house looks lonely and abandoned.

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Wonderful photos! I make postcards from my photographs and love getting postcards from others who have done the same. :camera: I love the wildlife and the street art. :heart:

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Many thanks to all who have given me so much feedback and ideas so far! That is so helpful!!

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They are all great, but I especially love the last one and the bird. :heart:

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Love them all, favourites are the squirrell, the house and the housewall. :smiley:

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The :chipmunk: is wonderful! And I like very much the head of the lost gardens and the house with snow. :heart_eyes:

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Very nice and beautiful pictures, I like them all, in particular - the first one :slight_smile: roofs are always beautiful, this view reminds me of the old Riga, or some little town in Hungary, or any other beautiful European city, very picturesque view :slight_smile:

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I like all except for the mailbox. Would you print them on matte or glossy cards. I think a few would be better on matte than glossy. I agree that you should write on the back what the card is about.

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Thanks for your suggestions - and welcome to the forum :slight_smile: !

Great pictures! I‘m not a fan of animal postcards, but I really love the other ones!

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Wonderful photographs. I think you can use them very well for your own postcards. May I suggested you write on the back were the image is from?

Good luck!


Thanks for participating and your kind comments - and welcome to the huge Forum community!

Thanks a lot for your feedback and welcome to the forum - have fun here!

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